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"Hyung!" Sehun's yell rings in Lu Han's ears.

"Why are you suddenly so loud?!" Lu Han shouta back with a giggle.

They are barely two meters away from each other but Sehun just can't help but call his hyung like this.

Since Sehun was ten years old, Lu Han fourteen, they already made a great friendship. Sehun would always say that he only knew the real meaning of friendship when he met Lu Han. That is undeniably true in a sense that he only feels concern and care from someone that is not his family, when he is with Lu Han.

But after two years of friendship, there seemed to be something else. Sehun didn't know but whenever Lu Han ruffles his hair or praises him, there would be a swarm of butterflies fluttering in his stomach, that tingly feeling that makes him wary.

When Sehun turned thirteen, he finally had the courage to tell Lu Han about how he feels, not expecting anything in return. He thought that the friendship would falter, but he was wrong, for when he had confessed his heart, they actually became a thing.

Having mutual feelings, there was somewhat a thing called 'them', though not quite official. All Sehun knows is that Lu Han once said this phrase: "I like you, too."

But he never really asked for anything more than that. As long as Lu Han likes him back, that's fine.

This time, they both don't know if this is love. When they always fall for each other every day, they think this burst of excitement is just that they are happy to be able to see each other. When Sehun blushes with Lu Han's words, the latter always thinks it is the sun that shines brightly on Sehun's face, making his skin hot and flushed. When Lu Han holds Sehun's hand when they walk, 'it is friendship'.

Lu Han knows what this is, what they are, but he always diverts the topic everytime. Sehun feels a bit like this, too, but he always tames himself down.

"Why are you suddenly so loud?!" Lu Han repeats, shouting in Sehun's ear this time, quickly standing up and running when Sehun glares at him in annoyance.

"Lu Han hyung!"

They never knew it was love, until they had to let go of it.

* * * * *

"But Mom, Sehun is my.. my.." Lu Han doesn't even know what to say.

"Lu Han, you know you are a beta, but your wolf eyes are blue. You're a special case beta. That means there is a chance that you might turn to an alpha as a final rank."

So what?

"Sehun is a human. You know that—"

"When did Sehun turn into a human, mom?! Sehun is a werewolf—"

"Shut your nonsense up! In any way, even if you're a beta or an alpha, you should not like a human this much. You need an omega or a female beta. Sehun is not any of that, so stay away from him."

Lu Han's wolf growls in distaste. But Lu Han cannot do any of that now.

He frowns and tries to talk but his mother shows a dismissive hand.

But, but Sehun is a werewolf. Even if Sehun's scent still isn't too noticeable for him. Though Lu Han still doesn't know what rank Sehun is, he is willing to be with him anyway. If Sehun is an alpha, so be it. If Sehun is a beta, so be it. If Sehun is an omega, so be it.

He doesn't care about that. As long as he is with Sehun, there's nothing much to worry about.

Lu Han's father walks to him and faces him with a serious look.

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