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Minseok watches Jongdae from afar, while Junmyeon carries the omega to Minseok's house.

They have just returned to the territory today.

"Junmyeon," Minseok says as he holds the vampire's right shoulder. "Leave him to me."

Junmyeon raises his eyebrows before he chuckles mockingly.

"Why? You're going to continue hitting him?"

Minseok's jaw tightens. "Give me back my mate," he says in a warning.

"Jongdae is not your mate."

"Don't even start it, Junmyeon."

Lu Han can feel the tension in the air but he doesn't want to get in the middle of any fight he doesn't even know anything of, much to his frustration.

Yixing clears his throat and breathes out heavily, and it makes Junmyeon and Minseok stop as they visibly calm down all of a sudden.

Lu Han sees it and he holds Yixing back to make him walk at the same pace as him.

"What was that?" Lu Han asks as he looks at Yixing in confusion. "How did you?"

"I'm.." Yixing trails off, as if hesitating. But then he sighs and talks again. "I'm a peacemaker omega werewolf."

Lu Han stops in his tracks. "What."

"Peacemaker omega werewolf." Lu Han's eyebrows furrow in confusion as he continues to walk.

"I've never heard of that term.." Lu Han trails off as he looks at the ground and his feet.

"I can let out scents that will calm anyone down and prevent fights."


"Yeah. Cool, right? I've used it many times already. That's why I'm almost a pro in doing it."

"Wow," Lu Han can only say as he chuckles. An awkward silence covers them and Lu Han only clears his throat.

There's nothing he can think of saying since they don't know each other well yet.

"Uhmm.. I gotta go.." Yixing says as he then smiles at Lu Han.

"Where?" Lu Han asks in confusion.

"Junmyeon," Yixing briefly says.

Lu Han turns to the other direction and  heads to his house but then he hears soft chuckles and flirty giggles from inside.

He smells it. With his keen sense of smell, he smells it all.

So he already knows what to expect and who.

Lu Han sighs as he opens the door, removing his shoes as he looks up at Sehun and Baekhyun playing around.

His heart tinges in pain but he doesn't let it show.

That's fine, Lu Han. They're just having fun.

Yes, they're just having fun.

Nothing too bad.

Nothing too bad.

Lu Han smiles weakly as he ends up watching Sehun act like this with someone else.

All those days he wasn't here with Sehun made changes.

Lu Han clears his throat subconsciously, inwardly wanting to finally get Sehun's attention for the younger to realize he's already home.

That's when Sehun stops giggling, hands freezing as he looks over at Lu Han, and his eyes widen as he pushes Baekhyun off of him to sit up from lying on the couch with Baekhyun on top of him.

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