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"He was the first one to say something that triggered me," Lu Han tries to reason out, but Jongdae shakes his head dismissively.

"Is it still important? If he doesn't forgive you that easily.. You can't blame him. You don't know how he feels."

Lu Han leans back, his eyes shut and a growl erupts low from his throat. "I didn't mean to do that. I love him.. I really love him but.. I.. he was not like this before.."

"You mean you only love him if it's the past Sehun~" Jongdae whines back.

"No. Not like that. I just miss the Sehun before. But I still love him.."

"That still means like it to me. Aren't you two lucky? You feel each other. You can smell each other's scent. You can mate and you'd be able to feel the bond. You're so lucky but you can't see it. You love each other. Or at least, you.. loved each other. Is it.. Is it really like that when you love? Can't we love without the pain?! Can't we take the pain out of it so it won't have to hurt?"

"You only know it's love when it already hurts, Jongdae.." Lu Han mutters.

"But you still wouldn't know to what extent that love is.." Jongdae says.

Lu Han doesn't talk further.

I just love you so much..

It has been about a week after the time Jongdae has heard that phrase from Minseok, but it bothers him even until now. What did Minseok mean when he said that? And if Minseok was really serious, what does that 'love' Minseok told him entail?

"O-Oh.. S-Sehun.." Lu Han says as he stands up, walking a certain direction.

Jongdae looks to the same direction and Sehun is looking at him with a frown.

Jongdae shakes his head 'no' and smiles.

Sehun only looks away and looks back at Lu Han with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you want?"

"Sehun, I happened to walk past a bubble tea store at the streets from work. Would you.. Would you like to go there with me?"

Sehun stares blankly. "No, thanks. But just buy me taro or chocolate. I don't care about yours, just buy me mine," he says and Jongdae is taken aback with what he has just heard.

Maybe it's just these pre-heat symptoms. The symptoms that indicate that you're going to have your first heat.

Jongdae watches as Sehun walks past Lu Han and heads right to Minseok's house.

Jongdae stands up from the bench and goes to follow Sehun by instinct.

Sehun knocks and waits until Minseok opens his door.

"Ah, Sehun. How can I help you?"

Sehun's cold stare meets Jongdae and the latter only looks back, asking. Sehun only rolls his eyes and looks back at the equally clueless Minseok.

"Watch who your omega flirts with. Last time I checked, Lu Han is mine. And mine alone."

Jongdae flinches as Sehun turns to him and steps forward closer.

[UNION] Is Your Love Enough || HANHUN/ HUNHANWhere stories live. Discover now