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"Yes yes yes..! Fuck, yes..!"

Sehun stops in his tracks as he hears Jongdae's screams. His heart begins to pound in his chest and his ears begin to listen to what Jongdae and Minseok are doing. The wet sounds and Jongdae's scent that resonates even outside the house makes Sehun so envious. Sehun envies Jongdae.

Sehun wants what Jongdae haves and what he is able to get from Minseok.

Sehun needs what Minseok gives Jongdae.

"I'm the only one who can do you like this.. I'm the only one who can make you feel this good.. I'm the only one you want.."

"Yes, alpha! O-Only you.. I-I'm all yours.. a-all yours.."

Sehun bites his lips as he raises one of his fists near the front door, swallowing hard in nervousness.



Three knocks on Minseok's front door and Minseok stops his movements. Sehun hears Jongdae whine under his breath.

Sehun waits for someone to open the door but then several seconds pass and he's still facing the closed door.

"There's a union meeting.. We need all of the members, especially the leaders," Sehun says.

Sehun hears them talking but he doesn't force himself to listen to what the words are because he believes that he shouldn't eavesdrop on this seemingly serious conversation the two are having.

"Sehun, hurry up! The meeting is starting."

Sehun looks over and nods, before he hisses in frustration when no one is still coming out.

"Get out now, you two! It's an urgent meeting..! Why did they even order me to go here~" Sehun whines impatiently.

'Sehun, let's just start the meeting,' Lu Han talks to him through mind link.

Now Lu Han talks to me? After coming home with bright red eyes and going to sleep straight after coming from Minseok's house? Now he talks to me?!

"Aish! Does the two of you not have ears?! I said it's urgent..! What the fuck.." Sehun cusses as he kicks the wall in annoyance.

You're unfair, Lu Han. You're so unfair..

"Oh Sehun!" Minseok shouts. "Do you know what you're doing? You're disturbing us!"

Sehun looks back at Minseok's house as he hears that, eyes widening as his ears automatically listen to how their bed sheets rustle to movement.

Sehun hears how Jongdae sobs in pleasure. "Alpha.." That's the word Jongdae says.

Suddenly Sehun senses rough. And once again he feels this need in his heart. The need to show Lu Han what he can do if only Lu Han tells him how.

An omega who can give everything his alpha wants.

An omega who can take anything his alpha gives him.

"N-No.. No.. Please ahh! Minseok..! Minseok, fuck, oh my god..! Ah ahh alpha..!"

"Harder?" Minseok asks and Jongdae nods furiously. "That's my good boy.. I love you."

[UNION] Is Your Love Enough || HANHUN/ HUNHANWhere stories live. Discover now