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Lu Han and Sehun end up talking all night until the dawn comes.

Maybe Sehun's heat would come back to him by night or late afternoon.

"Alpha.. They're really beautiful," Sehun says and stares at Lu Han's fangs in awe, reaching out his fingers, wanting to touch.

"You like them?" Lu Han asks as he keeps his bright red eyes at Sehun before he subtly smiles.

"So much.." Sehun mumbles as he wordlessly asks permission from Lu Han to feel them before he does, fingers careful as he marvels at Lu Han's 'masterpiece'.

Sehun's eyebrows furrow in concentration as he rocks his body closer to watch the way Lu Han's sharp fangs glisten with the little light seeping through the window.

Lu Han lets Sehun enjoy for a few moments until the omega is satisfied before he gently holds Sehun's wrist while he shifts his sharp teeth back to normal teeth.

"I missed touching it.." Sehun mumbles as he looks down shyly, bringing his hands together and playing with his fingers.

Sehun has always been clear in expressing to Lu Han how much he likes the alpha's fangs since the first time he has seen it, which is seven years ago. He might probably be considered obsessed with it but he can't care less.

It makes him feel something inside that nothing else does.

"Can I ask something," Lu Han starts as he holds Sehun's hands. "Do you like being bitten?"

Sehun looks up, shocked at the sudden question but he recovers a bit fast and shakes his head nervously.

"B-Because I-I like your fangs? U-Uh.. Maybe you would think like that but.. b-but I think I would like it more when it.. drags along m-my.. my s-skin.. lightly.. like.. uhh you—you understand, r-right..?" Sehun stutters badly as he quietly anticipates the reaction of the older, blushing too much than necessary because of the words he has just said.

Lu Han only smiles as he then caresses Sehun's bare neck and looks for that spot that would make Sehun shiver in sensitivity. He's sure there is.

"M-Mm.." Sehun softly says and purrs as Lu Han finds that particular sensitive spot, and Lu Han pads his fingers, drags his fingernails lightly, watching Sehun's face for his reaction.

And as Lu Han sees, Sehun likes it, a lot.

Lu Han smirks as he stands on his knees and leans in to Sehun's neck, bringing out his fangs and teasing around that spot, enjoying Sehun's gasps and purrs.

"A-Alpha.." Sehun moans out as he holds on to Lu Han's arms.

"Does it feel good, omega?" Lu Han whispers into Sehun's ears as he licks on Sehun's earlobe and bites lightly before bringing his fangs back to Sehun's neck again.

"Yes, alpha.." Sehun admits as he trembles ever so lightly under the alpha's touch, fingers shaking as he grips Lu Han lightly for purchase.

So sensitive.. so so sensitive.. Lu Han thinks.

Lu Han honestly can't wait for Sehun to finally be ready for mating.

* * * * *

"I heard you got off on Minseok and Jongdae having sex," Lu Han says as he smirks at Sehun who is sitting on the bed and innocently drinking bubble tea.

Sehun almost chokes on his bubble tea but he luckily doesn't.

Lu Han has filed a leave in advance so he could attend to any of Sehun's needs for his heat by the way. That's why he doesn't have work today which is Monday.

"A-Alpha?" he asks as he pretends to not have heard.

"Is it true that you got off on Minseok and Jongdae having sex?" Lu Han asks, and Sehun averts his gaze as he clears his throat.

"I-I.. Th-This chocolate bubble tea really tastes good," Sehun says and sips on his drink nervously.

"Why are you changing the topic.." Lu Han says and chuckles. "Just say, yes or no."

"What if I say yes?" Sehun asks as quietly as he looks up at Lu Han on the couch through his lashes. "I-Is it.. Is it—Does that turn people off? O-Or is it not okay.." Sehun trails off as he looks down at his drink with a cute pout.

Lu Han laughs softly. "Of course not.. That's okay.." Lu Han says as he lifts his feet up the couch.  "Some people even find it sexy.. But keep this in mind, I can fuck you harder than Minseok does Jongdae." Lu Han says. Lu Han watches expressions for a short while before muttering, "By the way, I just would like to know.. Did you.. get off by hearing them?"

Sehun looks away and nods, hiding his face with his hand that isn't holding the bubble tea in embarassment as he thinks wholly of how this whole talk is going.

"Did you think of me?" Lu Han asks suddenly that Sehun has to ask what the question was as he doesn't seem to put it in his mind. "I said, did you think of me?" Lu Han repeats slowly as he stares at Sehun intently, showing how much he wants the younger to be honest with him.

"Did you?" Lu Han asks again when he thinks Sehun is taking too long to answer.

"Y-Yes.. Ah, shit.." Sehun breathes out as he lightly arches off the bed.

Lu Han's eyes widen. Why didn't he notice sooner?

Or did he..

Did he just trigger Sehun's heat?

"Sehun, I'm sorry," Lu Han starts as he stands up and goes to check Sehun but the latter weakly brings up his hand to signal Lu Han to stop right there.

"I know I should let you claim me.." Sehun says. "B-But please.. let me collect myself f-first.."

Lu Han frowns, concerned at Sehun's condition but Sehun smiles weakly at Lu Han, as if proving the alpha he's okay, that 'I'm gonna be okay..'.

"If I can't take it.. I-I promise I'll let alpha moung me.. I promise.. Please believe in me.. I can take it.."

Lu Han nods as he steps back and sits on the couch, watching Sehun's body as he twitches on the bed.

Lu Han now notices the cinnamon scent and the hot atmosphere of his want, the rut coming back to him again but he tries his best to keep it all in.

This is where he's good anyway. Holding back.

Lu Han is not so 'alpha-ish'.. so of course he won't experience ruts as strong as the born alphas, right?

No. That's not true, but that's how Lu Han thinks.

It's the third day of Sehun's heat. And maybe Lu Han's third day of succesfully holding back.


Or so he thinks.

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