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"Look at you! You're the only alpha who acts like that! Such a weakling!"

"You're not even qualified to be an alpha!"

"Oh? A he or a she? You don't even look like a man!"

Lu Han looks down as they throw his destroyed backpack to him, tears forming in his eyes as he tries his best to stand up, skin burning with the silver wires that they wrapped around him.

"Which person in the right mind would be happy that you are his mate? You're too weak to even be called an alpha!"

Lu Han glares up at the person who has just said that and is about to attack him but someone grabs his arm and stops him.

"Just let them be. Let's go."

Lu Han looks at Minseok who is now helping him stand up, snarling at the other wolves, making them step back immediately as he leads Lu Han to an empty space.

And Lu Han is jealous.

Because it's so unfair that they respect Minseok's rank but not his. Is it because he's not a born alpha? Or because he doesn't act alpha enough? Or because he looks too feminine like what they say?

Minseok concentrates on getting the wires off of Lu Han. The usual bullies of Lu Han wrapped those around Lu Han's wrist and ankles this time, and also around his neck.

Minseok hisses when they burn his own skin, yet he continues until he manages to remove them all.

"Alpha, it hurts.." Lu Han whimpers as he pushes himself closer to Minseok and buries his face into his neck. "It hurts.."

"It's fine.. It's gonna be fine.." Minseok whispers to him as he rubs his back before soothingly massaging his scalp. "You're going to be fine.."

Lu Han sobs in guilt for ever feeling that way, jealous of what Minseok has, of what Minseok can do, of what privilege a born alpha has, when Minseok is the one who always gets him up whenever he's down.

But you can't blame Lu Han. The assurance that he deserves this title that he has just earned has always been unspoken. Even when Minseok tells him that he does have what it takes to be an alpha, he still doubts it, because he knows Minseok lies to make people feel better.

All he can think of is what his mate would think of him once he finds his mate, and every single time, he ponders on his thoughts.

Maybe his mate would always look for someone better because of course, others would be better.

He has tried his best to believe in Minseok, but everytime the people who bully him says things to him, he doesn't forget to etch it all in his mind.

That he doesn't deserve an omega.

That he doesn't deserve being called an alpha.

That he doesn't deserve to be above there by the rank.

That he's just a forced artificial alpha no one would ever stay with.


Sehun's cries echo in Lu Han's ears and once again he bites back his tears, because he wants to see Sehun again, make him feel safe, hold him in his arms. But he knows Sehun won't ever know how to stay with him if he does that.

He wants to make sure Sehun won't ever want anyone else but him. He wants Sehun to need his presence more than anyone else's. He wants Sehun to miss seeing him and not some random people that are technically better than him.

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