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It has been a few days after that incident happened, and so Sehun thinks that it's why Jongdae and Minseok are okay now. Or at least that's what it seems to be.

Lu Han and Sehun has been going fine, innocent touches and sweet kisses here and there. It feels peaceful, safe, and Sehun loves it that way.

"Can you teach me.. how I can be good to my alpha?" Jongdae interrogates as he sits beside Sehun.

Sehun's eyes widen at the question and he throws a confused look at Jongdae. "Why would you ask me?"

"Because you're the sweetest omega," Jongdae reasons out as he shrugs, and Sehun knows how Jongdae tries to keep an emotionless face but all of it is given out by his sad gaze. "Teach me.. I want to know how you do it.."

Sehun raises his eyebrows at Jongdae. "I'm not doing anything on purpose.. It's natural.." he says as he looks away.

"Come on, please?" Jongdae insists as he shakes Sehun's shoulders frantically. "Teach me now. Teach me."

Sehun rolls his eyes and sighs. "I already told you my answer, hyung."

"Why are you like this to me~"

Sehun silently winces and grabs Jongdae's wrists, holding them loosely telling the other to stop, a strong ache on his head as he feels his body telling him his first heat is definitely this day.

Jongdae only freezes his movements as he watches Sehun.

"I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Jongdae asks as he scoots closer, peeking at Sehun's face that is now lowered as he quietly winces. "I'm really sorry, I didn't know—"

"What are you doing?" someone asks from their backs and Sehun lifts his head up to the person.

"Alpha.." Sehun mumbles as he leans away from Jongdae.

"What are you two doing?" Lu Han repeats as he sits beside Sehun ushering Jongdae to move, glaring for a short while at the latter before turning back to Sehun.

"N-Nothing—just.. talking," Sehun says as he looks at Lu Han's eyes and stares. "Why are your eyes.. glowing red..?"

"Can't you feel it? You're about to have your first heat.. It might happen any time now. I need to guard you from some other wolves," Lu Han says, emphasizing the last three words as he gives Jongdae a side-glance.

"We weren't doing anything," Sehun emphasizes as he looks down at Lu Han's lap.

"Nothing yet," Lu Han says. "Wolves aren't that sane when there's someone in heat, especially alphas, so you," Lu Han turns to Jongdae suddenly. "Watch your alpha."

Jongdae looks away as he nods. "H-He's not going to cheat on me.." Jongdae mumbles.

"I'm only keeping my omega safe. Kindly excuse us," Lu Han says with a sincere apologetic smile as he grabs Sehun's hand and pulls him to their house.

"The scent of your heat is already on my nose, Sehun," Lu Han says as he groans, his eyes fluttering close everytime he gets a little more closer to Sehun. "We need to mate before that starts," Lu Han says as he starts to corner Sehun on their bedroom door.

"I-I'm not ready.." Sehun quickly mutters as he looks down. "C-Can I-I.. Can I refuse..?" he inquires, not looking at Lu Han's eyes as his gaze lingers around.

"We can't mate while you're in heat, Sehun," Lu Han states with a worried tone. "Or are you.. used to being handled roughly..?" Lu Han asks awkwardly.

Sehun only furrows his eyebrows as Lu Han starts to step back to let him free. "What does that mean?" Sehun asks.

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