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Sehun wipes his tears with the back of his hand as he looks back at the closed door.

Why isn't he coming back?

Sehun can't help but think of things like Lu Han spending his time with Minseok, or Jongdae, or Kyungsoo, or anyone, but refusing to do that with him.

Sehun feels so deprived of attention that he wants to break the locked door and run to Lu Han's arms and cry.

"Hyung.." Sehun whispers under his breath as he fists the sheets and longingly runs his palm across them, hoping to find even just a small part where Lu Han has left his scent at so he will sleep on it.

Sehun places his fingers on his skin then, noting the faint scent that surrounds his wrists that pronounces alpha, and his thighs, knees, crotch. Lu Han has marked him there.

But it's not enough, because Sehun wants Lu Han to scent him again and again until he reeks of the alpha's smell, so Lu Han would be even more happy, because Sehun is showing that he's all Lu Han alpha's.

'Sehun, I'm working,' Lu Han says through the mind link, and Sehun straightens up by instinct.

'Is it gonna be finished soon? I want to see you, please..?'

An image flashes in Sehun's mind. It's the sight of Lu Han on the papers he's minding in their own room.

'Not soon..'

'Won't my scent encourage you, alpha? Please, I'll be calming..'


Sehun looks down and sobs at the finality of Lu Han's voice.

But it has been almost two days already..

I miss you..

* * * * *

'Won't my scent encourage you, alpha? Please, I'll be calming..'


Lu Han heaves a deep sigh as he ignores his own tears that cling on his eyelashes before they stream down his cheeks.

'But it has been almost two days already..

I miss you..'

Sehun's thoughts seemingly reach Lu Han's mind even if Sehun didn't know and Lu Han chews on his lips in guilt.

'Two days.. It's enough, Lu Han. It's enough..' Lu Han's wolf says to him. 'Please let me see my omega..'

Lu Han nods and gets up immediately, leaving his work to go to the kitchen and grab some food, putting it on a plate before he goes to the room where Sehun is, his heart beating so fast at the thought that he's going to see Sehun again.

'We're going to see Sehun again, right? You're not gonna scold him, right? We're going to see him, right? We're going to see our omega again?' Lu Han's wolf asks in an excited manner, and Lu Han chuckles inwardly.

Lu Han unlocks the door and his breath hitches for some reason, before he realizes that he's just really as excited as his wolf is.

"Sehun," Lu Han calls as he enters the room, and he freezes when he sees Sehun sobbing into his hands.

Sehun looks up then, surprise written all over his face, and he jumps off the bed to run to Lu Han and wrap his arms around him, burying his face in Lu Han's neck and breathing shakily.

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