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Sehun feels something weird as soon as he opens his eyes, though he is still adjusting to the sun's light.

He has been walking alone in the woods for days before he found the union's territory. And he was almost killed because he doesn't smell like anything ending up with some of the other members thinking he is a wolf hunter, until he flashed his wolf eyes.

It's a relief that there are no wolf hunters around that territory.

He hasn't eaten for those days and maybe that's why he needed this much sleep. Or maybe it's because of the riot last night.


Sehun stiffens. Did he just hear his name?


"W-Why.." Sehun asks absentmindedly as he looks to search for where that sound has come from.

Sehun pushes himself up and tries to get up but his head aches the more he attempts.

"Sehunnie.." Someone is mumbling his name. Who is it? It sounds like—

"A-Ah.." Sehun exclaims as he feels a sharp pain on his head.

He smells alpha in the same house and his eyes widen. Vanilla.

His head spins and he begins to feel lightheaded, and his wolf is mumbling something that he can't decipher. He frowns and forces himself to get up.

"Sehun? Where are you..? Tell me, where are you?"

Sehun tries to not, but his eyes are turning green without him wanting to, and it means it has something to do with mates.

"Where are you, Sehun?"

"I-I'm here.." Sehun mumbles without thinking, his feet leading him to a room even he doesn't even know what room it is. All he knows is he's getting closer to someone. An alpha. And not Minseok alpha. It's another alpha.

"Mm.." That someone is stirring in his sleep, obviously. And he wonders if the alpha was also tired last night.

Sehun's eyes trail to the doorknob and he subconsciously reaches for it with his hand, twisting to reveal who that is.

Sehun is looking down at the floor at first, but when the opening becomes big enough, he looks up and steps in, causing the scent of vanilla to hit him harder that he feels his head ache again.

But he continues and examines the body lying on the bed, from the stranger's feet up.

The man moves on his sleep and swipes his hair up, revealing a face he surely has seen before.

"Sehun.." the man mumbles again, and Sehun's eyes are wide, his gaze wavering.

"L-Lu Han hyung—shit.." Sehun backs away as he feels the sharp pain again, and he doesn't even know where all this is coming from.

Lu Han springs up the bed and clutches his head between his hands as well, flickering his gaze up to see his door that is pushed open, irises an alpha bright red.


Lu Han was a beta before. He has turned to an alpha..?

The pain in Sehun's head slowly subsides to a vague feeling and he breathes deeply in relief, stumbling back.

"Why did you come out of the room?" Lu Han asks as he gets up from the bed and advances towards Sehun, causing the latter to shift his gaze back to him, before lowering his eyes as a sign of submission and respect to an alpha. "Why did you come here?"

"Y-You were calling for me.."

Lu Han frowns, "Calling for you? I don't even know your name.."

Sehun looks at Lu Han in confusion. "Hyung.."

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