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It's the third day of the first heat Sehun has ever experienced in his life and he is already in his alpha's company, Lu Han, who is his destined mate, yet he's still not ready. He's still afraid.

Sehun is just sprawled out on the soft, cozy mattress and his alpha is just there watching his omega as the young boy stirs in bed to face him.

The sweet vanilla scent of Lu Han is unbelievably addicting, hot, alluring to him and once again he whimpers in need, eyes turning omega bright green as he feels himself turn hard with almost no apparent reason. He's in heat, and his alpha is just here.

Lu Han knows what is happening, was able to catch the scent of the omega's heat before it even started. And he has to admit, his omega really smells good like this.

The delicious scent of cinnamon filling Lu Han's nose almost makes him lose control, yet he chooses to hold himself back though his eyes are already a bright glowing alpha red, even though his wolf keeps pushing him to mark the omega as his mate already.

It's because he loves Sehun so much, and he knows this bubble tea brat isn't brave enough to mate with him yet, considering he's still eighteen years old. Young and innocent.

Lu Han growls, feeling the lust that seeps through his veins as the omega's scent blurs his senses. He shuffles on the couch where he's seated as the delightful smell of Sehun's heat fills the room.

It's hard to not take the omega right then and there but the alpha seems to have more control over himself and his wolf than other alphas do.

"Alpha," Sehun breathes out, shifting on his bed uncomfortably as a pulse of wetness yet again seeps out of him.

"Don't call me that," Lu Han speaks, his eyes looking into the omega's eyes that are glazed with frustration and lust.

Sehun blinks confused and mouths, "Why?" a whine escaping his mouth as he once again feels himself self-lubricating.

"Sounds too hot," the alpha answers, finally making the omega understand what Lu Han meant.

"S-Sorry, Lu Han... shit," Sehun gasps as soon as he sits up.

"Stop. You're making it hard for me," Lu Han whispers, loud enough for Sehun to hear.

Sehun unconsciously moans. Even the voice of his alpha sounds as if it is already giving him the sensual touches his wolf craves.

"Sehun," Lu Han groans as a warning.

"L-Lu Han, come here... Please," Sehun breathlessly says, drawing out yet another whimper of frustration.

The inviting smell of the younger being too hard to resist, Lu Han complies with the omega, slowly walking to Sehun as the latter watches him patiently.

"What is it, Sehunnie?" Lu Han asks as he sits down beside Sehun, every inch of his self-control being strained in the process as he inhales the seductive smell of the omega in heat.

"You've waited for so long, alpha..." Sehun starts, pausing for a while to take a deep breath, finding his calmness by reaching for his alpha's hand and intertwining their fingers, "You c-can claim what's yours now."

Lu Han looks up at the younger's eyes, wanting to make sure the omega isn't kidding.

"Lu Han, I want to officially be yours... Please..?"

A tug on the younger's hand and lips are connected, the sweet sensation of being this close to each other seemingly overwhelming both of their wolves.

Finding their own slow rhythm they take their time exploring each other, the kiss gradually deepening while Sehun wraps his arms around his alpha's neck.

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