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Sehun looks up as he hears the door open, and he sighs in relief when he finally sees Lu Han.

"L-Lu Han hyung.." he sobs out as tears escape his eyes, and the handcuffs make a clanking sound when he attempts to shake his wrists off of them to no avail. "L-Lu Han, please.." he sobs as he glances down at his aching erection.

"How dare you make your voice heard outside?!" Lu Han shouts as he glares at Sehun. "I told you to keep your fucking voice down, didn't I?!" he growls, making Sehun whimper and look away in shame again.

"S-Sorry.." Sehun cries out as he closes his eyes in fear of Lu Han coming here to hurt him because of it.

"Now do you think you ever learned?! You only made me a bad guy infront of other people!" Lu Han snarls as he goes closer to the bed, and Sehun having sensed that, shudders in fear.

"Alpha, I didn't m-mean t-to.." Sehun says as his back arches with another orgasm. It doesn't stop. It never stopped and now Sehun is breathing heavily in exhaustion.

"What do you mean you didn't fucking mean to?! You were able to smell Minseok's scent, weren't you?! His alpha scent smells nice, doesn't it? He makes you feel omega, right?!" Lu Han asks through gritted teeth. "Better than mine. Better than me. Always, isn't it?! They're always better, aren't they?!"

Sehun cries loudly as he shakes his head 'no' furiously. "N-No..! Alpha, you're my mate and you're going to be my only alpha.. Please believe m-me..!"

"I won't ever believe you until you prove me," Lu Han says. "Until you follow all my rules.."

Sehun's lips quiver as he looks at Lu Han longingly. "I-I always do m-my b-best.." he sobs as he feels tears trickling down his cheeks. "I'm always doing my best for y-you.. I did it all for you..! I-I was always your omega.."

"Then your best is not enough," Lu Han says as he yanks Sehun's legs open and glares up at Sehun. "Do you think enduring this all for several hours is enough for me? No, Sehun. I don't think you even thought of me when you came. I'm sure you even hoped for someone else to be here for you. Someone who acts like your dream alpha.. Someone who gives you enough of what you always say you want that I can't give, Sehun."

Sehun sobs when Lu Han unties the vibrators from his cock and lets them fall on his stomach before collecting them and turning them off.

"Did you have fun?" Lu Han asks as he folds Sehun's legs and pushes them up against Sehun's chest, placing one palm over the younger's shins as he circles his fingers around Sehun's rim, the younger crying out and biting on his bottom lip.

"H-Hnggh.. y-yes.." Sehun moans softly as he feels Lu Han caressing his balls, working down his hole once again.

"Do you feel dirty? You're so slick and wet, Sehunnie.. You came so many times already, haven't you?"

"I-It's only for you.." Sehun sobs out as he watches Lu Han's face.

"Liar," Lu Han growls as he glares at Sehun. "Shut up if you're just going to fucking lie."

"I-I'm not lying.." Sehun says, but he purses his lips immediately when Lu Han snarls at him.

"You still see me as a beta, don't you?" Lu Han asks. "That's why you can't obey me, right? Because I act like a beta?"

Sehun shakes his head 'no', and Lu Han looks at him intently, making Sehun look away in fear of seeing Lu Han being disappointed in him again.

"Then why can't you say it? Why don't you look at me like I'm all you'll ever want?" Lu Han asks. Sehun doesn't talk and only sobs when he feels Lu Han's hurt from inside him. "Why do you only look at me like this, Sehun? If you look at Minseok, your eyes are shining.. Baekhyun makes you look at him in awe all the time.. Why can't I, Sehun? Where do I lack?"

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