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"Are you okay..?" Lu Han hesitatingly asks as he caresses Sehun's neck, trailing his fingers down where he has marked Sehun his.

"Mm-mm.." Sehun mumbles. "It hurts so much.." he says as he grabs the kitchen counter and winces. "You were so hard on me.." Sehun jokes.

Lu Han feels something in him that makes him suddenly feel upset and he detaches himself from Sehun immediately. "But you said you liked it.." he trails off as he looks up at Sehun in confusion.

"I-I didn't mean it that way.." Sehun whispers as he looks at Lu Han's eyes, swallowing. "It was a joke.." he explains, moving forward to coyly give Lu Han a hug, but Lu Han doesn't find it in himself to accept it.

"First day of being mated and you're hurting my feelings like this already," Lu Han mutters, stepping back as he sighs deeply to make himself calm down, eyes down in disappointment.

"H-Hyung.." Sehun says as he parts from the one-sided embrace to worriedly stare at Lu Han. "L-Look, I d-didn't mean to—"

"This is why Minseok has problems on Jongdae? Perhaps Jongdae is also like this," Lu Han asks, breathing shallowly. "C-Cook your own breakfast. I didn't know you're this kind of an omega, Sehun.." Lu Han says and he is most likely to be turning away and walking to somewhere wherein he can be alone but his feet won't let him, as if stuck on this specific place.

Or as if still wanting to be with Sehun with this proximity.

Jokes are half-meant, aren't they?

He remembers it's Sehun who wanted it, so why complain now?

He's so deep in the goal to avoid hurting Sehun and here Sehun is implying Lu Han has failed.

Sehun looks down and tears brim his eyes again, making Lu Han look away and sigh in defeat.


"Lu Han hyung, I-I'm sorry.." Sehun mumbles, dropping on his knees as his fingers come up to Lu Han's shorts, about to pull them down, but Lu Han quickly swats them away.

Sehun shifts his gaze up to Lu Han's face to find the alpha looking at him with wide eyes.

"Oh Sehun," Lu Han sternly states, holding one of Sehun's wrist. "What are you doing?"

"I-I want hyung to not be mad at me.. I hate this feeling, alpha, w-when I feel like I-I'm not pleasing you," he says as he looks up at Lu Han with glossy eyes. "I really really want to please you.. I want my alpha to be impressed with me.. t-to be proud of me. I want alpha to say to me that I'm the best of all and I-I'm a good boy, that I'm a good omega.. e-even if I'm a special case.."

Lu Han's eyes waver, before he leans down and holds Sehun's shoulders to pull him up, though the omega resists.

"Sehun," Lu Han warns, voice low, and Sehun visibly shivers with that tone, but not in fear.

Sehun is aroused.

"I want to make alpha feel good.. b-because I made a big mistake and—"

"No," Lu Han cuts his words, and Sehun looks up immediately with the look of 'did I make you mad again?' "Y-You didn't do anything wrong, Sehun.." Lu Han mutters.

"I did," Sehun mumbles and sobs. "Even if I didn't, please let me," Sehun croaks out as he brings his free hand up and grabs Lu Han's thigh, noting how strong it is, making him gulp. "Please, I only want to impress you. I want you to know I can be good for you. I'm capable of anything you want me to do.. as long as you teach me, alpha," Sehun mutters, looking down at Lu Han's crotch. "I want to try.."

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