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The next time Sehun wakes up, his face is buried into someone's neck. And he almost freaks out if not for recognizing Lu Han's scent.

Sehun slowly adjusts himself to a more comfortable position before he snuggles into Lu Han's warmth.

"I missed you," Sehun whispers before he moves his hands and wraps them around Lu Han's waist. "Sehunnie missed alpha.."

Lu Han chuckles into Sehun's skin and pulls him closer. "Though I never really left your side, I missed you, too, Sehunnie.."

"You're all healed now, right?" Sehun asks as he looks up at Lu Han's eyes, which his wolf has missed staring at.

Lu Han softly smiles. "I should be the one asking you that though.. Since you're one of the two lifesavers of our union.. You and Baekhyun," Lu Han says and looks down at Sehun's neck.

"Y-You're jealous again..?" Sehun asks as he pouts, before his eyes light up at an idea and he pulls Lu Han on top of him by turning them over, surprising Lu Han at the sudden act. "Don't be.. See, I'm all yours now.. You can do everything you want to me.."

Lu Han looks down at Sehun and chuckles. "You just recovered and you're being the needy Sehunnie again," Lu Han teases and brushes a finger against Sehun's left cheek while staring at Sehun's lips. "Now I'm not jealous but I might get angry.."

"A-Angry?" Sehun asks, eyes widening as he tries so hard in his head to search for what he has done wrong. "W-Why?! D-Did I do anything? Did I say someth—"

"Down there," Lu Han interrupts and smirks.

"What do you mean 'down there'.." Sehun trails off and pouts, confused.

"Ah, forget it," Lu Han says and laughs softly before he gets off of Sehun and reaches out for a liquid medicine which is in a cylinder-shaped container, like a small Ice Pop, putting it on Sehun's mouth. "Drink that. It's the last dose."

Lu Han gets off of the bed to go to the kitchen and get two glasses of water.

When he comes back, Sehun is already sitting on the mattress, back against the headboard as he sips on the liquid medicine, one hand on the container, pretty pink lips around the edge of the tube as his long fingers hold it firmly.

Lu Han doesn't realize he has stopped in his tracks to watch Sehun drinking the medicine (more like sucking on a medicine container for some liquid like he would do on Lu Han's dick) until Sehun's eyes flicker up at him.

Sehun gently bites the container to offer Lu Han a smile before he continues on, a faint blush on his cheeks making Lu Han wonder whether Sehun knows how suggestive what he's doing is right now or not.

Sehun's eyes drift down to the container, the remaining liquid medicine too little to suck on further, and he holds it a little tighter before tilting his head back and closing his eyes swiftly, gulping the remaining drops as he lets out a small groan. As Lu Han gets closer, it only makes Sehun breathe out in excitement.

"You just like to tease alpha, don't you, Sehun?" Lu Han asks as he puts the glasses down on the bedside table before he takes the container out of Sehun's hand and sets it aside. "You know what you're making me think of? Do you know, Sehun?" Lu Han asks as he fists Sehun's hair gently to keep the omega's head tilted up. "Answer me."

Sehun groans and licks his lips. "N-No, alpha," he says as he looks up at Lu Han's eyes.

"Hm? I know you do. Don't even try to pretend, Sehun. It's so fucking obvious.."

"Then punish me for teasing you," Sehun says as he smirks. "But I bet that you can't."

"Oh, please, Sehun," Lu Han says as he grips Sehun's hair tightly and yanks his head to the side, making Sehun whimper softly and wince in pain, hand instinctively wrapping around Lu Han's wrist. "I know how good you take pain now, Sehun.. And fuck it because I didn't know I had to go through a big fight and four silver bullets just to know just how good you are in enduring pain."

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