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Jongdae leans in and his kitten lips curl up in a smirk, dark brown orbs at Sehun as if eyefucking the younger.

"D-Don't look at me l-like that.." Sehun says as he cautiously leans away, averting his gaze somewhere else.

"So..?" Jongdae asks, smiling suggestively. "How's the sex?"

Sehun blinks fast. "H-H-Hyung!" he complains as he slaps Jongdae's arm.

"I'm not kidding. I want to know.." Jongdae mutters. "Was it good or bad? Is Lu Han hyung great in bed? Was he rough or gentle? Did he prep you nicely? Or did he even prep you? Did he talk dirty? Is he good at it? How many orgasms did you have?"

Sehun looks at Jongdae in horror, but then his gaze turns to confusion. "What do you mean talk dirty?"

Jongdae's eyes widen. "You're eighteen and you don't know?" Sehun only looks down.

"I'm weird, right?" Sehun asks as he looks down at his lap.

Jongdae senses this and sits beside Sehun, patting his back. "You're not.. It's called special, Sehun. You're special.."

Sehun nods as he looks back up at Jongdae. "C-Can I ask for advice..?"

"Advice on what?" Jongdae asks as he straightens up.

"L-Lu Han hyung.."

"Oh," Jongdae says. "Um, what about him?"

"Our last.. last.."

"Last sexual intercourse," Jongdae fills in.

Sehun nods. "Yes, that.. he was so concerned of me being hurt.. I didn't.. I mean.. it feels good.. it really did but.." he says as he looks down again, feeling guilty that he's going to say this out loud.

"But? But it's not enough?" Jongdae asks, then he tilts Sehun's face up to make him look at Jongdae's eyes. "Be honest with me.. Was it not enough?"

Sehun chews on his lips and he nods. "The first time.. he was okay.. but after I.. I.. he.."

"He fucked your mouth before breakfast," Jongdae finishes for hin.

"H-How did you know?"

"I was awakened by Lu Han's moans and the dirty, slick sounds. Remember, our house is just next to yours," Jongdae states. "Continue."

"So.. yes after that, I came because of it and.. he suddenly panicked because he thought he hurt me too badly.. I wanted to say I liked it but first it's embarassing and second, he keeps saying sorry when it's okay with me. I couldn't explain to him, I wanted to tell him it's fine.."

"That's so bad to hear.." Jongdae mutters. "I thought the two of you wouldn't ever have problems because.. you know, you're probably the most perfect and sweet omega everyone wants to have.."

"But I always cum so fast," Sehun mumbles.

Jongdae's eyes visibly twinkle as he hears that. "Really? That's so hot.."

"But I want to last long for Lu Han hyung.." Sehun mumbles. "If it isn't my heat I'm sure he won't be able to come because by then I might not be aroused enough after coming.."

"Then you can hold it in for your alpha, right?" Jongdae suggests, but the sudden shock in Sehun's eyes makes him realize something even before Sehun says it.

"I can't hold in orgasms.. It's my condition.." Sehun says. "Please don't tell anyone.."

Jongdae nods. "But.. Uh.. Does Lu Han know this?"

"My condition? No, hyung.." Sehun says.

"Tell him, okay? And also.. this issue on your sex life, let Lu Han hyung know, okay?"

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