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"I'm glad Jongdae and Minseok already got their mating bond back," Lu Han says as he closes their drawer after putting his clothes there.

Sehun only looks up at Lu Han but he doesn't say anything as he climbs up the bed.

"Sehun?" Lu Han asks as he turns to Sehun. "Is anything wrong?"

Sehun shifts his gaze down the bedsheets and shakes his head. "Nothing, alpha."

"You know that I feel you. What's bothering you, Sehun?" Lu Han questions as he walks towards the bed.

Sehun only reaches for his phone and starts tapping around, not minding to answer Lu Han's question.

"Sehun," Lu Han firmly says, but Sehun is focused on his phone right now, smiling subtly as he types on the screen.

"Who are you chatting with?" Lu Han asks in irritation as he reaches out to get Sehun's phone but the omega swings it away.

"Why do you care?" Sehun questions back as he rolls his eyes and gets off the bed, walking out of the door.

"Come. Back. Here," Lu Han firmly says with his alpha voice, jaw tightening in annoyance.

Sehun stops in his tracks as he hears it, his omega instincts making him want to succumb to that command. Of course, Sehun does.

"I'm sorry, alpha," Sehun says as he turns around and looks at the ground in shame and sadness that he made Lu Han disappointed. "It won't happen again, alpha."

Lu Han feels and smells the omega's emotions in the air and he wants them gone. "Come here, Sehun. I'm not mad."

"Really?" Sehun asks as he keeps his head down. "I-I made a mistake.. You should be mad.."

"I'm not mad."

"I can feel that you are.." Sehun says and sniffles. "I didn't mean to.. Please don't think that I'm forgetting that I'm an omega.. I would never forget that.."

Lu Han's heart breaks as he watches Sehun cry infront of him.

"You made me feel inadequate," Lu Han says truthfully. "You made me feel like you don't want to be with me. This is the only time I can be with you the whole day but you want to chat with someone else more," Lu Han explains. "I hope you understand me.. if I'm mad right now."

"I do.." Sehun says. "I understand, alpha.. I'm sorry.."

"I still don't feel good, Sehun," Lu Han honestly says. "But I don't know why.."

Sehun lifts his head up at Lu Han and he gets back on the bed, sitting on his heels and looking down. "I deserve my rightful punishment, alpha.." Sehun says and clenches his fists over his lap.

"I can choose not to," Lu Han makes Sehun know as he brings his hand up Sehun's face.

"I want alpha to," Sehun says as he closes his eyes at the alpha's touch. "Please show me that I'm still precious to you.."

"Do I need to do it?" Lu Han asks as he caresses Sehun's cheek softly, watching the way Sehun smiles weakly at the act.

"You need to, alpha.. So I can learn, right?" Sehun mutters as he looks up at Lu Han. "And so I can know what you want me to be.."

Lu Han stares at Sehun's eyes. And he doesn't understand. "You're exactly what I want you to be, Sehun."

"No.." Sehun says as he smiles. "I know I slack off many times and—"

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