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"Sehun!" Lu Han growls, nudging the younger forcefully with his head, the latter stumbling farther and falling roughly, whimpering in shock.

A loud gunshot and a scream of severe pain, and Sehun looks up to see Lu Han shifting back to human form, weakening.

Lu Han has been shot two times, one on the shoulder and one on his side, slashes of silver blade cuts all over his body.

Sehun sees a gun pointing at Lu Han and his heart immediately starts racing. Never has he encountered a wolf hunter with a gun before.

But as if on instinct, Sehun runs to Lu Han, wanting to save the alpha from any danger by risking himself.

"Sehun.." Lu Han breathes out as he reaches out his blood-covered hand to Sehun's paws. "Don't.."


Sehun senses a movement behind him, a sharp sting across his back but after that all of it happened so fast, another gunshot and Sehun is pushed down roughly. And all he has seen is black fur. All he has heard is a loud growl.

Sehun's sight is getting blurry, mind wanting to make himself faint again to escape the situation, but he holds on at the fact that Lu Han is with him and Lu Han needs him conscious.

So he whimpers and pulls his legs to himself as he tries to open his eyes, feeling blood dripping off from him, wound healing but it happens slower than normal, and he concludes it's the silver blade.

Sehun growls and fights his fear, standing back up and gathering the courage to do whatever it takes to save Lu Han. But then he smells human blood, and human flesh, and dead human heart, and that means..

"He's dead.." Lu Han breathes out raspily, in a form of a black alpha wolf shifting back to human form again. "I told you to stay away.." Lu Han sighs as he passes out.

"Lu Han hyung!"

Sehun runs to Lu Han and nudges him with his nose for Lu Han to wake up, but Lu Han doesn't and he whines.

"Don't leave it to me~" Sehun complains as he drops to his hind legs, "Ah~ I'm not used to this~"

He scans Lu Han's form and notes all the wounds he got from saving Sehun's parents. Lu Han has gotten there and saved them from the hunter, and his parents are told to get away already by Lu Han, that's why they aren't here. Lu Han protected his parents.

Sehun sighs as he breathes in Lu Han's vanilla scent, and it instantly calms him down. "Alpha.." he sighs quietly, watching Lu Han's unconscious state. "What should I do.." he trails off.

Lu Han opens one eye and smiles weakly.

"Bring us back to the territory, omega.." Lu Han quietly says.

Sehun nods and brings his legs down. "Can you climb up my back, alpha?"

Lu Han groans. "What do you think? Do I look like I can?"

Sehun purrs as a 'yes', which makes Lu Han look away for a reason Sehun doesn't know.

"F-Fine.." Lu Han says and tucks his elbows on the ground. "But thank you.." Lu Han whispers as he forces himself to be able to climb up Sehun's back. "I'm gonna.. dirty your white fur with my.. blood, omega.."

Sehun laughs inwardly. "That's okay.."

Lu Han smiles and rests his head on Sehun's back as the latter stands on his four paws.

"I'll try my best," Sehun says as he starts walking, following Lu Han's scent from where the alpha came from the territory.

Lu Han hums. "I need to rest though.. My whole body hurts.."

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