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"That was such a great plan, don't you think?" Minseok says as he looks at Baekhyun.

"Act like a betrayer and get the hunters' trust, pretend then help everyone in the union, kill the others.." Baekhyun says as he chuckles. "I told you I'm a genius.."

"I can't believe you did it so well," Jongdae exclaims. "Me, Minseok alpha and Lu Han hyung all knew about that but I am still dumbfounded.. You acted like you're really a betrayer and the one who caused hallucinations to the union and I almost believed..!"

"I can't believe I managed to do it!" Baekhyun says as he giggles when Jongdae laughs softly and sits beside him. "You saw what I did, Jongdae? I wish you have seen all of it! It's so cool.. Sehunnie is so cool, too!" Baekhyun excitedly says as he starts to tell them how good he was at fighting.

"Stop making me jealous, Baekhyun hyung.." Zitao says as he pouts, but then someone opens the door of the bedroom.

"Zitao, isn't the training today?" the tall man asks, making Zitao look up in shock, before he goes to the man.

"Why are you here?!" Zitao exclaims in a whispering way. "We're dead with Junmyeon hyung.."

Lu Han looks up with a frown, but then when he remembers it, he goes quickly to the tall man. "Y-You're the one at the grocery store.." Lu Han says as he frowns, pulling the man down and sniffing on his neck, making the man freeze as he asks help from Zitao with his eyes.

Baekhyun, who notices the people just now, stops talking and looks at the door, making all the others also look.

By the way, all of the union members, except Jongin and Kyungsoo are here inside Zitao's house, which is far enough but approximately infront of Minseok's house if you try to look at it.

Sehun is currently unconscious, but he is healing continuously through about two weeks, due to Lu Han's presence.

"Who's that?" Baekhyun asks as he stands up and peeks at the man who is about the same height range as Chanyeol but maybe a bit more taller.

Junmyeon massages his temple as he looks at Yixing and closes his eyes. Yixing only softly pulls him to his arms as he smiles bitterly, knowing these moments are going to end soon.

"Zitao, just tell them," Junmyeon says as he leans his head onto Yixing's shoulder.

Jongdae pouts at the sight and looks at Minseok, who only laughs and pulls him to his lap.

"Okay, so his name is Wu Yifan and he's a vampir—" Zitao starts but he suddenly gets interrupted.

"Vampire?!" Baekhyun questions in a loud voice that makes Sehun jolt in his sleep, causing Lu Han to look back at Sehun as he feels it himself, being the omega's mate.

"Keep your voice down.." Lu Han says as he lets go of 'the too tall guy' and goes to Sehun.

"But he smells like a wolf.." Baekhyun explains as he frowns in confusion.

"That's also what I thought," Lu Han says. "So now, stop shouting," he continues before he starts passing subtle light to Sehun's eyes from left to right and back to see his responsiveness.

Sehun barely registers light flashing at his eyes before someone suddenly holds his hand.

"Are you awake now?"

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