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Sehun watches in awe as Kyungsoo, Lu Han and Baekhyun hunt through the woods.

Baekhyun is already done with the stage where Kyungsoo teaches him how to shift to complete wolf form.

They already know now that Baekhyun is a vampire-werewolf hybrid, which means his vampire blood dominates more on him than his werewolf one.

Hybrids will only have two kinds, one is alpha-alpha, also called alpha vampire alpha werewolf, which is what you are when you are a born hybrid.

And alpha-beta is what you are when you are not a born hybrid slash if you're only a turned hybrid.

So by now, they already know that Baekhyun is an alpha-beta. But of course, as Kyungsoo says, Baekhyun needs two years of consistent and routinely dose of Kyungsoo's blood to ensure constant replenishment of the hybrid characteristics, before Baekhyun is fully a hybrid.

Now on what's happening now, Baekhyun seems to have an insanely good and unique way of hunting, which amazes all the three who are with Baekhyun, which are Lu Han, Sehun, and Kyungsoo.

Baekhyun smirks as he finishes catching another prey effortlessly.

He brings his fingers up his mouth and licks up the blood dripping down from his hand.

"Looks like we have so much food for all our wolves, huh?" Baekhyun says as he breathes out deeply. He smiles slightly with knowing how good he is.

'Baekhyun is so confident in what he can do and it's freaking sexy,' Sehun thinks and he feels his cheeks heat up immediately at his own thoughts.

"That's just.. amazing, Baekhyun," Lu Han says as he looks at the future hybrid in surprise. "You're even better than me.."

"I trained well.." Baekhyun says as he looks at Kyungsoo. "If not for Kyungsoo, I won't be here."

"Don't be humble. You learned all that by yourself," Kyungsoo says.

"But still," Baekhyun says as he lifts his prey up and puts it on top of the other fifteen. "I'm not a hybrid if not for you, right?" Baekhyun mutters.

"Fine. If you insist," Kyungsoo says and laughs rather dryly.

"We can go home now?" Sehun asks as he finishes eating a chicken leg. He has brought a whole bucket of fried chicken here to eat, by the way.

Of course, Sehun has hunted as well. But he has hunted in a simple manner and in human form so he has catched only one, for the simple reason that 'he's feeling lazy today'.

"Yeah, we can," Lu Han says as he chuckles at Sehun's sitting position.

"Why?" Sehun asks in confusion.

"You're so sassy, Sehunnie.." Baekhyun says as he laughs. "The way you sit, I mean."

Sehun looks at himself and shrugs. "Am I?" he asks and giggles.

"Oh, that's so fucking cute," Baekhyun says as he suddenly goes near Sehun and pinches his cheeks.

"O-Ow! That hurts," Sehun says as he swats Baekhyun's hands, but then his cheeks are heating up once again. "A-And your hands are full of blood. Ew," Sehun complains and glares at Baekhyun in disbelief.

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