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"Look, they're here.. They came for their poor omega.."

Jongdae cries louder as he hears that, and he looks up to see them.

Minseok, Lu Han, Junmyeon, Zitao, and Yixing.

They came.

They came.

Minseok's eyes widen at Jongdae's situation and he's about to run forward and attack but a sword is then pointed at his chest, as the other hunters surround them and close the door.

"Stay away," that one hunter says. "All of you stay away or this omega is dead."

Minseok backs away and he helplessly looks over at Jongdae, wanting to say something secretly, but he can't because they don't have a mate's mind link.

"Why.." Jongdae sobs out loudly. "You all shouldn't have came.."

"Why not," Minseok says. "We are one, remember?"

Jongdae looks to the far right as he chews on his lips.

"Don't say that as if anyone else cares about me in our union. All of you hate me.. All I've ever done is break.. You should've just let me here to die.."

"No," Lu Han says as he grits his teeth. "We're not fucking allowing that. We can't lose you."

Yixing is closing his eyes, and he frowns in concentration, trying to do something but not being able to.

Then he opens his eyes and spots the machine that's held by one of the wolf hunters, and he cusses under his breath.

"Where's the special case omega?" the hunter asks as he brings the silver blade closer to Jongdae's neck, making the said wolf whimper in fear.

"Don't.." Jongdae pleads as he stares at Minseok and shakes his head softly. "Not him.. Not him, please.."

Not Sehun. Please.

"You're not getting anyone from us..!" Minseok snaps as he growls loudly.

"Oh, really?" the hunter laughs and puts the blade on Jongdae's skin, one move and it will cut through skin and deepen the slight wound that Jongdae already has on his neck. "What about I kill him first?"

"No!" Minseok growls angrily and his eyes flash red in an instant.

"You're his mate?" the wolf hunter questions and signals the hunters to grip the alpha and look for the mate mark. They pull down his shirt on the neck where the juncture is.

But there's no mark.

"Then what are you if you two aren't mates?" the hunter angrily says. "Jongdae's brother told us that this one has a mate! Now tell us!"

"Why would we?" Zitao shouts as he hisses angrily. The only thing keeping him from attacking is the fact that Jongdae's life is in the line.

Of course, he also doesn't want Jongdae dead. Whatever Jongdae is and whatever he has done, he's still a part of the union.

"You know what? Forget it. We only need Sehun."

"Sehun?!" Lu Han says and growls. "You're never going to get him?! You all are never going to hurt him..!"

"Oh? Who says we'll hurt him. We'll use him in our research," the hunter says with a knowing smirk.

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