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"You're jealous because of Baekhyun hyung even if he did nothing wrong.." Sehun says as he pouts, looking up at Lu Han.

Lu Han leans in and plants kisses on Sehun's jawline, then to his ear, then down his neck, on the expanse of his throat, that has Sehun whining softly under his breath.

"I own every part of you," Lu Han almost too childishly states as he starts to gently suck on Sehun's neck, gliding a wet muscle across Sehun's skin.

"Alpha.." Sehun sobs as he tries to pull Lu Han's hips down but he can't. Lu Han keeps their lower bodies away as he continues taking Sehun's scent in and proving ownership in this way.

"Please.." Sehun says as he tangles his fingers into Lu Han's hair. "Please please.."

"What do you want?" Lu Han asks as he stares up Sehun's eyes. "What, baby?"

Sehun flushes but he takes courage anyway.

"Please do me.."

"Do you?" Lu Han echoes.

"Yes. Please do me.. Please f-f-fuck me just like how you did the f-first t-time.."

"Sehun.." Lu Han frowns in concern. "I'll hurt you."

"I want it. Won't you give me what I want, alpha?"

Sehun is staring up at Lu Han with hope. It makes Lu Han's heart want to split into two.

"I promised not to hurt you."

"But it's okay if you hurt me that way..!" Sehun complains in a whisper, keeping it down as he feels another wolf's presence.

"Yixing, go away.." Lu Han says as he looks at Sehun.

Lu Han then shakes his head as a 'no'.


"No is a no, Sehun."

Sehun pouts as he pushes Lu Han off him by his chest.

"I hate you, Lu Han. I hate you.."

* * * * *

Lu Han hasn't talked with Sehun the whole day, keeping distance which is what he knows and feels Sehun wants.

"Hyung.." Sehun says as he hugs Lu Han from the back. Lu Han is a bit surprised but he tries to not let it show as he puts his hands over Sehun's.

"Sehun, I'm really sorry.." he whispers.

"Why can't you just do it..? Why are you so afraid?"

"I don't want to hurt you."

"But if I say it's okay.. then.." Sehun trails off, trying.

"I still won't. I care and that's why I'll hold back everytime."

"I don't want you to," Sehun replies, resting his chin on Lu Han's shoulder.

"It's not about what you want, Sehun. It's about what you need. What you only need when you feel hot is my touch and my knot, and me being rough with you is only one of your wants."

Sehun slowly lets go of the hug and keeps his gaze down the floor.

But I need it, Lu Han hyung.

Lu Han turns around and pulls Sehun for a sweet kiss, which Sehun doesn't respond to.

* * * * *

"Hi, Sehun," Baekhyun says as Sehun sits beside him. Sehun only smiles weakly.

Sehun is almost out of consciousness, thinking about this thing that he can't solve for himself. It has been a few days now.

"Is there something wrong?"

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