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"Hyung.." Sehun says as he looks at Lu Han. "Can I ask something?"

"Sure. What is it?" Lu Han asks as he stares at Sehun's eyes.

"A-Am I allowed to watch.. u-uhmm.." Sehun trails off as he looks away. "I really need to know if it's okay because I.. I don't want you to get mad.."

"I don't understand. What thing do you want to watch that you still need me to say you can?"

"P-Porn.." Sehun mumbles as his cheeks flush at the word.

"Porn?" Lu Han echoes and Sehun nods softly. "Why?"

"H-Hyung said I should watch it.. to.. t-to learn.."

"Which hyung?" Lu Han inquires.

Sehun bites on his lips in subtle fear.

"Which hyung?" Lu Han asks again, voice firmer this time.

"B-Baekhyun hyung.."

"He didn't just force you to watch, did he?"

Sehun shakes his head softly. "I-I said I don't have your permission.."

Lu Han smiles weakly. "Really?"

Sehun nods. "B-But he sent me a link.." Sehun says as he reaches for his phone on the bedside table. "Here," he says as he shows Lu Han his screen.

"Are you curious? Do you want to watch it?" Lu Han questions as he takes the phone from Sehun and looks at the message himself.

"C-Can I..?" Sehun asks as he watches Lu Han scrolling down their messages.

"No. Don't watch it, okay?"

Sehun looks down and nods. "Yes, alpha.."

"You're upset," Lu Han states as he gives Sehun's phone back to him. "You're upset, aren't you?"

"I-I wanted to know more about th-things.." Sehun mutters. ".. f-for you.."

"You don't need to," Lu Han says. "I like you like this, like how you are now. I don't want your innocence ruined."

"But, you already have fucked me many times, haven't you?" Sehun says, but then Lu Han's eyes narrow in distaste and Sehun sees that.

"Don't use that term," Lu Han snarls. "From now on, you're not allowed to use those words. You're not allowed to cuss, do you understand that?"

"Yes, alpha.." Sehun says as he heaves a long sigh.

"Got a problem with that?" Lu Han snaps as he glares at Sehun. "Have something to say?"

"N-No, alpha.. I don't have a problem with it.."

"From now on, you'll stop hanging out with Baekhyun, alright? He's being such a bad influence to you. You were not this straightforward before."

Sehun swallows as he nods. He doesn't want to, but Lu Han would be disappointed if he doesn't agree, so he swallows his protests down again.

"What do you say?"

"Yes, alpha.."

"I won't hear any Baekhyun from you again. I won't attend to your next heat if I hear just one single Baekhyun that slips from that mouth. All I should hear is my name. Am I making myself clear," Lu Han firmly says as he looks hardly at Sehun.

"Yes, alpha.." Sehun says.

"I don't understand.." Baekhyun says. "He makes you do things and you have to do them because he's the alpha.. You don't have a chance to say no.."

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