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Lu Han tightly closes his eyes as he breathes in and out deeply, trying to calm himself as the unexplainable want rummages his senses, making him clench his fists as he clutches his chest because of the fast beating of his heart.

His alpha instincts are telling him to claim Sehun, now. Right now.

To mount, claim, devour and mark.

The only thing keeping him from doing it is Sehun himself.

He cares for Sehun and he loves Sehun and that's why he can't lay a single finger on the omega until the latter says he's ready.

But still, it's hard. Lu Han's whole being is yearning for Sehun, wanting to ravish the omega and make him know that he's Lu Han's.

Lu Han growls through gritted his teeth, trying to control his rut and keep Sehun safe.

It is because Lu Han knows that once he fully lets himself go, no one can really stop him. No one.

Lu Han is the type to hold on for longer and hold back more than just letting his emotions overwhelm him. Lu Han knows what might happen if he lets himself loose. He might hurt Sehun.

Lu Han has promised the omega he won't ever hurt him. So he strongly believes he should go by that promise.

Lu Han would always hold back, even if that means he will drop making himself completely alpha and pretend, if it's for Sehun.

Lu Han would always hold back for Sehun.

* * * * *

Lu Han has offered Sehun to just drink suppressants to make the heat die down for a few moments and the younger has agreed, so now they're sitting on the couch while Sehun is not feeling the rage of his heat.

Sehun's heats are luckily not that strong though, or perhaps not yet because it's the first day and the first heat, but atleast one suppressant can do for now.

"Sehunnie.. Can I ask you something?" Lu Han says as he fixes his position on the couch to face Sehun. The younger does the same and faces Lu Han as well.

"What is it, hyung?"

"You're still eighteen, right?" Lu Han asks as he holds Sehun's hands with his own, looking down at them instead of Sehun's eyes because of nervousness.

"Yes, alpha.. Why..?" Sehun asks softly as he follows where Lu Han's gaze is, as he furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

"Will you be ready to be mated when you turn twenty?" Lu Han asks, cursing at himself because 'why ask? Sehun might think you're rushing or what..'

"Twenty..?" Sehun repeats as he looks up at Lu Han's eyes. "B-But that's too late~" he whines as he shakes his hands on Lu Han's in protest. "Lu Han hyung~" he whines again. "It will be hard for you.. I know that.." Sehun mumbles as he keeps his eyes at Lu Han's.

Yet Lu Han can't bring himself to look up at Sehun back. He only sighs. "I just don't want to force you into anything. I want you to give consent to everything I would be doing.. so I won't hurt you.."

"B-But that's absurd..!" Sehun exclaims as he pulls his hands and proceeds to interlace their fingers together. "L-Lu Han hyung, you're my alpha.. I know you won't hurt me.. This is enough for me.."

Lu Han groans in disapproval. "Don't you think I would end up to be like Minseok? Oblivious and doesn't know if he's already hurting his mate's feelings? Aren't you scared?"

Sehun then holds Lu Han's face and makes the alpha look into his eyes.

"Lu Han hyung.. We're us, they're them. We're different.."

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