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Sehun continuously sobs into Baekhyun's shirt as he fixes the way he sits on the couch.

"We're gonna get scolded for this.." Baekhyun says warily as he scans Lu Han and Sehun's shared bedroom.

"I brought you here.. He shouldn't get mad.."

"That's why he's gonna get mad.. He'll think I had sex with you or something."

"Doesn't matter.." Sehun answers as he cries into Baekhyun's neck. "We're on the room's couch so it can't be too much.. And who would.. have sex with you.. You're too intimidating.."

"Hmm?" Baekhyun asks with a smirk. "What's that supposed to mean though.. Mind telling me?"

"People who would do it with you would feel like they're also being hunted or what," Sehun says. "Like they're also.. a prey in your eyes."

"Why.. Some people like that though.. Being treated like a prey.."

Sehun scoffs as he wipes his tears off his face, gradually stopping from crying but still having occassional hiccups.

"Cute," Baekhyun praises, watching Sehun jerk with a hiccup again.

"Sh-Shut up.. I'm handsome.."

"Lol," Baekhyun says and Sehun makes a face.

"Why were you crying though.." Baekhyun asks. "You just suddenly pulled me here and cried on my clothes. Do I look like a human-sized handkerchief though? Because if I do, I gotta get my body recarved so my clothes won't be ruined like this."

Sehun rolls his eyes. "You're petty."

"So are you."


Baekhyun laughs softly. "Now, why were you crying.."

"I.. I knew Lu Han is crying as well. My heart feels so down, knowing my alpha is feeling down as well.. We're.. When we mated, we became one. So if he feels this emotion.. my wolf notices it, even with how far we are from each other."

"Wow, that's just.. so magical to me.."

"But I really still feel Lu Han hyung crying.."

"Does Lu Han hyung cry easily?"

"I don't think so.. A little?"

Baekhyun nods. "Then I think it's about something big.."

"Maybe," Sehun says. "There are a lot of things he doesn't say to me."

"He keeps feelings inside..?"

"Yeah. Might be the case.. hyung.."

"That's awful.."

Sehun nods in agreement.

"And, it proves the fact that he really doesn't trust me.. that I can do things for him. He doesn't trust me, hyung.."

"Maybe you're taking it wrongly.. Maybe he's just really afraid to tell you.. Or maybe it has nothing to do with you or what.."

"What about the way he refuses to treat me a bit rougher? He doesn't explain it truly to me. That's why I can't help but think that he's just thrilled in the idea of taking care of omegas carefully. Because he's not a born alpha and he wants to feel more of an alpha so he thinks he needs to take care of me gently."

"You're concluding.."

"Baekhyun hyung," Sehun says. "You don't think that I'm weak, right?"

"Of course.."

"You know I can take Lu Han alpha, right?"

Baekhyun nods.

"Why doesn't he believe in me like that..? Like how you do.."

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