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"Lu Han hyung~!" Sehun whines loudly as he stomps on the floor like a kid.

"Sehun, don't make a scene here!" Lu Han yells, but only in a whisper form as he grabs Sehun's hand to supposedly get them out of the place.

"Then buy me meat!" Sehun whines back as he pouts angrily, yanking his hand from Lu Han's hold. Lu Han grits his teeth in annoyance at that act and grabs Sehun's arm to pull him.

"It doesn't snow money, Sehun. I have to work hard for it so we only spend it on needs. Do you understand that? We have so much meat at the territory, omega. Don't make a scene," Lu Han whispers into his ear.

Sehun clears his throat awkwardly as he looks around and spots the people watching them get all touchy here at the grocery store. "Lu Han hyung.."

"I know," Lu Han says as he pulls away, looking over to the direction of Sehun's gaze and smiling fakely at them.

Some look pleased with the two, but others frown in disgust. Lu Han only rolls his eyes slightly as he looks back at Sehun.

Well, who cares? They're already mated for god's sake. Mating is considered marriage in werewolves. So they're practically married. They could do whatever the fuck they want.

But of course, the humans here doesn't have to know that they are werewolves.

"Let's go home," Lu Han says as he grabs Sehun's wrist, but Sehun still resists with a stubborn whine.

"Buy me meat!" Sehun whines again.

"We have so much meat at home, Sehun."

"I said buy me meat!" Sehun yells at him.

Lu Han grits his teeth and tightens his grip on Sehun's hand, eyes showing obvious irritation as he glares at Sehun. "Stop being a brat."

Lu Han pulls him out of the store with a stronger hold on Sehun's wrist this time.

"If you don't buy it, I will not talk to you!"

"You're making a scene," Lu Han audibly snarls, forcing his eyes to stay humanly.

As Sehun sees it, he smirks inwardly. He's making Lu Han mad.

"Meat," Sehun firmly says. "I want meat, so I get meat. Do you understand?" Sehun says with a frown at Lu Han.

"You don't tell me what to do," Lu Han says as he steps forward and narrows his eyes at Sehun, string of patience about to snap.

"Uhm.. Miss, is there a problem with your brother?" a stranger comes to them and he's looking at Lu Han.

"What?" Lu Han asks in disbelief at what he has just heard. 'Miss'?! Who has the audacity to call him miss?!

"Uhh.. I'm not.. the brother," Sehun says and laughs awkwardly. "Boyfriend," Sehun says as he looks down at Lu Han.

"Oh, you're her boyfriend.." the man glances at Lu Han and chuckles, turning back to Sehun. "You two look alike though. She's like your female version.."

Lu Han clears his throat and grabs the stranger's arm strongly. "Excuse me. Who the fuck are you to call me miss?"

"U-Uhm, why.. Is there something wrong with that?" the man says with an awkward gummy smile.

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