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"You shouldn't stay here inside their room, Lu Han hyung.. W-What if you get affected by J-Jongdae hyung's heat.."

Lu Han only laughs as he sits on Jongdae's bed, looking down at Jongdae's figure. "Would you like me to help you?" he asks with a subtle smirk, making Jongdae laugh out loud.

"H-Hyung..!" Sehun exclaims at Lu Han as he pulls the said alpha up. "You won't be able to control yourself, Lu Han hyung..! You're too near.."

Lu Han looks up at Sehun. "I can control myself, Sehun. You know that I was just joking.."

"Hyung.." Sehun whines as he pouts. "We'll get him in trouble once you smell his heat.."

Lu Han sighs deeply as he cups Sehun's cheeks. "Didn't you say I'm strong? I'm stable and I know how to control myself. Trust me, okay?"

Sehun looks into Lu Han's eyes and nods. "Okay.."

"I will get out of the way once his heat comes back again. I know any alpha being near him will make it harder for him. And if Jongdae wants to play with himself, he shall just tell it to you so you can get out of the way as well.."

"Play with himself?" Sehun repeats. "What do you mean?" he curiously inquires.

"I don't know. With his own hands or if he has toys here.." Lu Han says, and Jongdae flushes as he just looks away from the two persons talking and he counts in his head.

'When are they going to stop flirting here..' Jongdae thinks to himself.

"Infront of my fucking salad," Jongdae says with no bite.

Sehun looks at Jongdae and back at Lu Han in confusion. "What do you mean toys? Jongdae is not a kid anymore.. and why would someone play with toys while in heat? Are you going crazy, hyung?" he says, eyes reflecting real innocence, making Lu Han's heart melt.

Lu Han chuckles and leans in to kiss Sehun's nose. "You would understand someday.." he says as he pats Sehun's cheeks before walking out the room.

"What should I understand when he's talking nonsense.." Sehun mumbles as he sits on the bed.

Jongdae decides he should take the scheduled suppressant now so he gets a glass of water and the suppressant in his hand as he pops it in his mouth, raising the glass up his lips as he sips the water.

"Jongdae hyung," Sehun calls out, and Jongdae hums at Sehun as he turns to him, glass still on his lips.

"What did Lu Han mean toys? You have toys here to play? Can I see?"

Jongdae chokes on the liquid at Sehun's words. "W-W-What.. t-the—" Jongdae struggles to say as he coughs, having inhaled the water to his windpipe.

"Hyung!" Sehun exclaims as he crawls on the bed to Jongdae quickly, patting his back and helping him set the glass down the bedside table.

"What the hell.. Why would you say those things while I—" Jongdae coughs again. "..while I was drinking.. What came to your mind..?" Jongdae says as he looks at Sehun. "Do you really want me dead right now?"

Sehun giggles as he pats Jongdae's back again, Jongdae feeling much better with the younger omega's company.

Jongdae can't smell the younger omega because Sehun is a special case, but he feels the sincerity and the soft affection of a brother's love, that he has never gotten the chance to feel before. And somehow it values more than those things you see with your two eyes.

"Thank you for being here.." Jongdae tells to Sehun as he suddenly wraps the omega in his embrace.

"J-Jongdae hyung.."

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