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"I need to go hyung.. I'll just buy some more suppressants for you."

"Make sure you come back, okay?" Jongdae says as he looks at Sehun in the eyes. Jongdae's gaze is one of those longing gazes, the one that hopes for you to stay. Sehun wonders if Jongdae has willingly shown that to Minseok already.

"Of course, hyung," he manages to mutter.

* * * * *

Lu Han doesn't know how long he has been staring at the skies, pondering on thoughts and reminiscing memories.

"Hyung?" a soft voice calls and he immediately looks for that certain voice.

"Hyung! You're okay now!" Sehun exclaims as he runs to Lu Han and hugs him. "They were right! You're strong.."

Lu Han awkwardly chuckles as his hands hover at Sehun's sides. "Ah. Yeah.. S-Sehun.."

"You worried me so much.." Sehun says as Lu Han feels Sehun practically smothers him with his omega pheromones immediately making Lu Han feel lighter and better, happier emotionally.

"Sehun.." Lu Han trails off as he smiles weakly. "I-It's really true. It's you.. S-Sehun.."

Lu Han grabs Sehun's shoulders and steps back to take a good look at Sehun's face, as if in awe at the facial features of someone he has only met now.

Sehun flashes a smile. And yes, it is a fake one.

"You've changed so much.." Lu Han mutters as he reaches out to touch Sehun's face, but hesitating as his hand retreats, looking at Sehun as if asking for permission. "Is it okay with you?"

Sehun frowns as he looks at Lu Han's eyes longingly. "We are so close to each other, aren't we? Why are you still acting like we've just met?"

Lu Han looks down and drops his hand. "We.. were so close.. We were close before. Five years, Sehun. Five years.. Aren't you as overwhelmed as I am? We were separated for so long.."

"I.." Sehun trails off as he looks down. "Yes.. I am.."

"U-Uh, by the way," Lu Han suddenly says, "Where are you going?"

"J-Jongdae hyung.. Suppressants," Sehun says briefly as he drops himself down the grass to sit, Lu Han following as well.

"He's in his heat? Minseok had to leave for his alpha duties.." Lu Han says as he shuffles to give Sehun a safe distance, feeling awkward and strange to Sehun now.

"Mm-hmm," Sehun quietly hums as he looks up at the skies Lu Han has just been staring for a long while earlier. "Do you not have 'alpha duties' as well, hyung?" he inquires as he then looks at Lu Han.

That thin and pointed nose, those pretty pink lips, those eyes shining against the moonlight . . Lu Han only watches.

"Lu Han?" Sehun repeats for the alpha isn't answering his question.

Lu Han raises his eyebrows but remembers about what Sehun has asked and he quickly shakes his head 'no'. He sighs and smiles. "I do the pack doctor duties, Sehunnie.."

Sehun flinches and looks away awkwardly as he feels himself blush at the pet name. "A-Ah.." he says showing that he has understood. "Pack doctor Lu Han.." he recites as he smiles. "So cool.."

Lu Han looks at Sehun in surprise. "Really? Is it cool?"

Sehun nods without looking at Lu Han's eyes. "Super cool.. If.. anyone gets injured.. you'll be the one to cure them, right? So.. cool.."

"Mm-hmm.. But, you see the disadvantage.." Lu Han starts. "Once I get injured.." Lu Han says and shakes his head slowly.

"Th-That's awful.." Sehun says as he fists his shorts. "B-But y-you can.. help me and I can be.. your personal doctor then, Lu Han hyung," he says as he gazes at Lu Han's eyes with hope. "Y-You'll let me become your doctor, right? So someone would take care of you?"

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