Special Chapter 2 - The Alpha Today*

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A/N: This scene appeared in the other books, 'Are You Still Mine' and 'Offering Myself To You'.

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Sehun gasps and holds Yixing's hands tightly. "H-Hyung.. help, please.. Please. Alpha's g-gonna get m-mad.."

Yixing's eyes widen as he watches Sehun twitch in his arms and snuggle closer for the comfort of a fellow omega.

"Baekhyun," Yixing scolds as he reaches out and tries to push the hybrid away, but the said hybrid only glares up at Yixing and grips Sehun's side roughly before crawling up over Sehun's frame and straddling the omega's hips. "Baekhyun, I swear. This is—"

"Get out of this, hyung," Baekhyun coldly says as he swats Yixing's hands that are holding Sehun. "I said get out of this," Baekhyun repeats with a hybrid voice this time, and Yixing submissively whimpers, looking down immediately by instinct.

"Don't do this, Baek, please," Yixing says as he tightens his hold on Sehun's trembling hands.

"Yixing hyung," Sehun sobs as he screws his eyes shut. "Help.."

"Shut up, Sehun," Baekhyun hisses, and Yixing watches Sehun purse his lips submissively. "Yixing, I said get out," Baekhyun mutters as he glares at Yixing with crimson eyes.

"I'm still your hyung and I know better, Baek. I won't just leave Sehun like this," Yixing says with emphasis.

Baekhyun scoffs at what he hears and clenches his jaw. "Leave us alone," Baekhyun hisses. "If a higher rank says leave, you will leave, omega," Baekhyun firmly says. "Do you understand?"

Yixing cowers instinctively and nods, bowing his head in shame and whimpering as he gets up.

"Out," Baekhyun orders. Yixing looks at Sehun apologetically.

"I'm sorry," Yixing mutters, guilt washing over him as he sees Sehun's subtle fear. Sehun kept telling him Lu Han would get mad, alpha would get mad, and even he doesn't know what happens when Lu Han sees this, he can't do anything but succumb to his instincts and do as a higher rank says.

"I'm fine," is what Yixing hears lastly before he leaves Lu Han and Sehun's house.

He keeps his head down as tears gather in his eyes, the mere thought of what an alpha would feel if he sees his omega with someone else hurting so much that even it's not about him, his heart aches too painfully.

He can't help but think about Junmyeon, about what he felt when he knew that Baekhyun and him did something, that Baekhyun knotted him. How painful could it be, knowing that someone else made your mate feel better than you did?

How painful could it be?

He's surprised by a body colliding against his though, and he'd fall down the ground if not for the hand that held his arm, and as he looks up, he sees the very person Sehun has been worrying about.

"L-Lu Han," Yixing mutters as he quickly pulls his arm away and stumbles back before finally gaining back his balance, gaze wavering.

"You're literally heading past the territory, omega.. Is there something bothering you?"

Yixing hums in confusion to show that he didn't quite get it, but then after, what Lu Han has said sinks in and he quickly looks up at where he was actually heading. And yup, he was really heading out the territory.

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