Special Chapter 1 - What Would I Do?

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We can say that this one actually happened.

This was (heavily) inspired by the song 'Home' of the group Seventeen. (Check the song out — if you still haven't.. 😊)

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Sehun snuggles into Lu Han's warmth and sadly rests his face on Lu Han's neck.

"Sehun?" Lu Han whispers as he puts his hand over Sehun's hair and massages his scalp. "Is there something wrong?"

Sehun stays quiet and only drapes an arm over Lu Han's waist, his hand holding the alpha's side tightly.

Sehun hasn't talked since breakfast and that fact says something, since Sehun usually talks about random things at mornings. This whole quiet thing Sehun is doing is already making Lu Han concerned.

"Sehun, what's the matter? Please don't make Lu Han alpha worry.." Lu Han softly says and puts his fingers under the omega's chin, attempting to lift Sehun's gaze up at him, but Sehun only shuffles closer to him and holds him tighter.

"What do I do.." Sehun murmurs. "..if I don't have you?" he continues, and he starts to sniffle, pushing his face to Lu Han's shoulder. "My heart would be so c-cold and empty.." Sehun mutters meekly, voice breaking in the middle of his sentence.

"Sehun.." Lu Han starts, but Sehun looks up at him at the same time, eyes searching for something, that maybe he isn't able to find since he's hiding his face in Lu Han's neck again. "You'd never.. lose me," Lu Han whispers. "Sehun, in this world, I'm yours forever.." Lu Han reassures.

"I-If in another world, there is a Sehun, and that Sehun loses a Lu Han, he would be so sad, wouldn't he..?" Sehun asks and sniffles. "Just by thinking of it, thinking of losing you, I already feel like I'm dying.. Wh-What if.. s-something happens.. and I-I lose you.. What would I d-do—"

"Sehun.." Lu Han interrupts, almost choking out his words. "I'm never leaving you.."

"I-I don't want to miss you again.. I don't want to cry alone again.. hoping you would someday come back.. I-I don't want to lose you.." Sehun whimpers and cries into Lu Han's shoulder. "S-So please don't leave me.."

Lu Han furrows his eyebrows in sympathy and turns his body to Sehun with minimum effort, pushing Sehun's face up to kiss the younger's eyes and nose, and he continues planting soft kisses all over Sehun's face to 'kiss the younger's tears away'.

"I love you, Sehun, h-hm? And you won't ever be alone.. I won't ever leave you again.. What happened six years ago..? It won't happen ever again.. Trust me.. Please trust my love for you, my precious omega.."

Sehun chews on his lips and nods softly, eyebrows still furrowed as he leans into Lu Han's shoulder and sniffles.

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