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"Mommy mommy see someone moved " I told my mother and my mother grabbed my hand and stood by the window and saw someone shifting in our neighborhood .

" Yeah see you'll make some new friends now " she said and I  smiled and I dragged my mom out of the house to see them .
Even though I'm shy , I don't know what happened to me that I went to meet them .

They were the Simpsons . Mrs Simpson came to us and talked to me while she had child who hid behind her .

" Hi I'm Luna " i said to the kid and pulled my hand to do hand shake

" Hi I'm Bradley " he said and we did hand shake.

" Do you wanna play with me and my brother ? " I asked him

" Yes .Mom I'm going to play with her " he said And we went in my room and we played a lot with my brother .

It was the starting of the kindergarten and I didn't wanted to go .

" Mom why do we need to go to the kindergarten ? " I asked my mom while driving me to kindergarten .

" So that you can learn something " she answered

" Is it going to be tough ? " I asked

" No " she replied

" Is brad going to be there ?" I asked

" I don't know , maybe " she replied heading in front of school

" I wish he is " I said .

" Come on let's get in " she said

" I don't wanna go if Brad's not in here " I snapped

" Darling he is going , her mother told me " she said and looked at her smiling.

We entered the kindergarten and into my class and I couldn't see brad .

" Mom you said he's going to be here " I said from behind my mom

" Maybe he's not here today , he's going to be here tomorrow " she said and I pulled her back.

" Hi I'm Jennifer aniston. You must be Luna and Mrs . Stones " the teacher said.

" Yes Mrs aniston " my mom relied

" Oh it's just Jennifer . Hi Luna " she said

" Hi " I replied not in the mood of saying

" So Luna you may go and sit next Lidia " she said and I saw a girl wearing a cute maroon frock playing with her toys and I went to her .

" Luna " I said pulling my hand forward for handshake

" Hi. I'm Lidia " she said and we did a hand shake and just then i saw brad entering the class with his mom .

"Brad " I shouted to grab his attention and he came running to me . We played the whole day.

When the day ended my mom was waiting for me and brad because Brad's mom couldn't come .
We went home playing . He was playing with my hairs and I was yelling at him not to play with them but he won't stop.

It was then from where it all started , we went to the same school , had the same friends and even drove school together .

Our parents also became really good friends and we went to so many trips together and  had dinner together .
This is how we got together.

Thanks for reading. Hope you like it
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And back to you (shawn mendes fanfic )
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