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Luna's POV

As we were walking back to our classes we both didn't say anything . There was silence even after knowing what has happened . After getting this really awkward finally spoke 

" so what did you say to miss dron when you went inside ? " i spoke as if i didn't know what has happened 

" hmm . as if you really didn't heard it and pretended to be on the phone. You really think i'm gonna be fooled by this . " he said smirking 

" shit . that means brad is the only one foolish around me . " i said 

" so really thanks for doing that " i said smiling 

" why are you sounding like we are never gonna meet each other ?" he chuckled 

" even i thought it was cliche " i laughed 

" but i really mean it " i said seriously 

" anytime " he said and then  the awkward silence once again . 

" so i'll catch you up at lunch " i said and entered the class and he went on his way .

After giving my teacher a whole lot of explanation , i finally sat on my seat and texted lidia

" something bad happened but then something good , i'll catch you up at your place and tell you each and every detail of it "  i texted to lidia and then forwarded it to brad . 

" okass " they both texted in the group that contains only me , brad and lidia even though she is at home .  

Even though the class was all boring i couldn't stop thinking about Gray , even though he isn't the guy of my type but was as sweet as sugar . He on his first day impressed me . Too good of a thing . 

at the lunch 

At lunch i took gray to my group . 

" hey " i said giving a flying kiss to brad .  Don't be surprised that's our way and he does the same. 

" hey " i said giving a hug to james . now you must be wondering where is connor and tris ! they are usually at the music room working on their drums and guitars . 

" so guys there is new guy who did the best thing anyone could ever do to me " i said 

" did he asked you out as a girlfriend because no one asks a bitch out on dates or to be in a relationship with ?"  brad  laughed 

' you're so dead  brad " i said and began running behind him until he caught me and started tickling me 

" okay , okay stop brad it hurts " i cried out in  laugh 

" never dare to run behind me with a fork and stab me with it because you know its you whose gonna suffer " he laughed 

" i will for the rest of my life as long as i'm with you and you're gonna be with me for your entire life " i said and he tickled me even more 

" fine i'm sorry i won't " i cried and he let me go 

so when we came back to the table i finally told everyone what happened with me and how gray helped me out 

" you should have let her have a experience with that " brad teased 

" shut up brad " i said 

" that was really impressing . thank God he  didn't do anything to you or he would have found out that shes a gay " james said  while laughing at the end part . brad and james  did a high-five because they won in insulting me in front of some new guy  . 

" you know what guys i'm leaving " i said in anger

i left the table and threw  my plate and and went outside . i didn't even realize that gray was following me all the way 

" hey its okay come on, they're sorry " he said from behind 

" no they are not , you know what i'm the only one foolish here thinking about that they are gonna be with me for the rest of my life and say that they're everything to me even though the only thing they know is to hurt me and insult me " i said with tears in my eyes 

" so thats how hurt you are ? " some recognized voice said and guessed it right , it was brad 

" what do you want ? " i asked totally unwilling to talk to him 

" come on lee you know us we can never be fucking serious about any shit so its nothing to cry on . come on just chill out " he said coming to me and grabbing my wrist . But i pushed him away 

" no brad . its not normal for me . At least for once be serious about something please . " i said in tears 

" you know us lee, we can never be " he said while laughing 

" you know what brad just leave me alone . Gray is a way  better than every body , at least he helped me out . He is not like you , fucking assholes who instead of supporting me is making fun of me " i cried 

"So you're saying that you are choosing that new guy over us who have known you like for your entire life till now ? " he asked seriously 

" yes brad yes i'm choosing that new guy over you guys " i said 

" you know what i don't wanna talk to you , leave me alone " i said in anger 

" okay if that's your decision " he said and left 

The bell rang so i went back to attend the rest of my classes and then  go home and then call over lidia at my place and tell her everything 

Thanks for Reading guys.  I just realized that my reads have really increased and have crossed 230 reads in just 8 chapters . I love you all so much .

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