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" you know the food is excellent.  You should teach my mom . " I tell Karen . I mean mrs. Mendes but she constantly force me to say Karen. 

" Really . I should hang out with her " she sounded like a teenager. Everyone laughs including herself .
" It's really time for me to go now" I tell Mendes family. 

" Ohh my god.  Why ? " Aaliyah said . I just love her .

" Because it's already 9:45 and it's getting late but I will certainly come  again some time  " I assure them .

" Not gonna force . It's getting late but you can stay " mr. Mendes said . Manuel is a very kind man and a very very hilarious man .
I love the entire Mendes family and more their boy. 

" Very kind offer but my mom is alone at home and it's getting late anyway " I pleased. 

" Fine but Shawn you'll drop her"  Shawn's mom said .

" I know mom . I'm not gonna let her go alone at this time . So if you allow may we go " Shawn comments . I'm certainly in love with him more than I ever have .

" Ok despo boy " shawns mom taunts him and Shawn blushed .

" Mommm " he groaned.  I blushed at his reaction .

" We must leave now " Shawn begs

" Sure " I tell him and we leave out after saying goodbye .

We took walking because I honestly don't know but Shawn took his cycle .

" You know I didn't really change 5 times " Shawn said out of nowhere.  I didn't even remember about it until now .

" Honestly I wasn't even thinking about it " I taunted.  He blushed in embarrassment .

" But you look very nice. I must admit " I quickly said smiling .

" Thanks . " He said
" So do you " he instantly complimented .

" Thanks " I replied . After the awkward silence he said

" I'm sorry my family is a bit clingy but honestly they love me and I do to " he admitted

" Ohh no... It's nothing like that . I actually love your family.  Your father is a very hilarious man , yous sister is very nice and helpful  and your Mom , she's a bit stubborn but very nice lady" I tried to control my laugh at the last but he laughed and I gave in. 

" You're very right . She's very stubborn " he taunted in a way. 

" You know I honestly I didn't ever thought we'd ever be good friends . But I'm glad we are " I admitted smiling .

" Me too " he admitted too . I blushed at how beautiful his smile is .

" We're here aren't we ? " Shawn asked

" Ahh . I didn't even realise . Yes we are . So ... " I paused stopping in front of my house. 

" This is it then. I'll meet you on Monday " I said shyly .

" Yeah sure then . Then ... " He paused .

" Bye " we both said simultaneously .

I smiled and turned out get into the house .

" Wait " Shawn said and I turned around .

" Yeah? " I asked and parked his bicycle in front of my house and walked over to me. 

" I wanted to ask you something from a bit of time " he said.

" Yeah . What is it ?" I asked .

" I wanted to ask . ... " He pauses

" Hey don't be shy " I gave him courage .

" I wanted to ask if you're free tomorrow ? If you are would you go ... Would ya .. go .. go on a date with me?" He asked stammering and I was shook. We're moving pretty fast but I didn't know if I was ready for it specially after brad thing . But then I also wanted him .

" I have a lot going on honestly ... " Before I could go on he interrupted .

" Its okay. I shouldn't have asked . Bye. Its very okay " he turned away in embarrassment. What is it with boys . Why they just assume things .

" SHAWN " I yelled a little annoyed .

" What happened ?  " He asked confused .

He was a few steps away from me so I walked towards him .

" What is it with you guys.  Why couldn't you just let me... "

" Let me continue " I demanded when he tried to stop me

" Why can't  you guys just listen. Why didn't you  listen to me first . Why did you had to assume my answer.  Now I ask did I answered your approach ?" I ask him . I was standing just in front of him and he was bit nervous. 

" N ... No " he stammered nervously and I tried to control my laugh but because of the silence I couldn't take it Long.  I burst into a huge laughter and shawn relaxed.  He laughed along with me

" Shit you actually scared me " he laughs . We stopped but I was still smiling at how adorable he looked.  We made an eye contact .

" Now Before you say something.  Listen . What I wanted to say is that I have a lot going on honestly but going on a date with you will be the best thing " I tell him smiling. He smiled. I cupped his cheek in my right hand and gave a soft kiss over his cheeks.  He was blushing badly.
After giving him a kiss we hugged.  My eyes darted to a black figure walking in front of my house.  The way the hood was on the head and height and by the way he walked I knew who it was.  Who else could be going in front of my house at 11 pm , definitely brad.  I closed my eyes and enjoyed the warmth of the hug of Shawn . Honestly the best place.  The next moment I opened my eyes .....

Are We Just Best Friends ? {B.W.S} ✓Where stories live. Discover now