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i can't believe luna just shouted at me without knowing the reason and why i fought 

" this has gone really bad " i said to myself since no one was in the room . 

"shit " i yelled 

"this thing backfired on me , i wanted lee to hate that little bitch but she hates me instead , shit shit . shit . fuck this " i was almost yelling 

" boy get back to your class right now " some teacher said and i left the room . 

'this is worst thing ever . she hates me . she does not even wanna know what happened but this is worse , what if gray manipulate the story and tell her . shit . shit shit . this cannot happen . this is my worst mistake ever . shit shit . ' i thought to myself 

i ran to the medical room to beg for sorry from and for him to not to tell her anything 

" stop " the doctor said 

" please i have to see gray " i begged 

" brad you're the one who did this to him , you are not allowed to see him without my permission " she said 

" please " i begged again 

" no i said, now  please leave for your class " she said and left the room and starting roaming around the halls until i heard the  announcement . 

" bradley simpson to report to the principals office right now  " 

" shit " i said to myself and hurried to the principals office 

i was sat in front of the principal  room waiting for the principal to call me in since he is with someone until i saw luna walking out of the room completely ignoring me . i instantly got up 

" luna " i said for her but she ignored 

" please " i said again but she has already left 

" in my office brad " the principal said 

" sir please may i please i need to talk to her " i begged 

" what would you talk to her when she is the one who complained about you " he said and i looked at him in surprise 

' why would she do that , wow she hates me ' i thought to myself and followed my principal to his room . 

" brad first off what is wrong with you ?" he asked 

" what ?" i said as if i did not knew what he was talking about 

" come on brad you've got into 2 fights severely but i ignore the first one since it was his  fault but unfortunately i cannot ignore this one since the victim here is injured badly and he needs complete bed rest for 2 days . brad what is up with you and why are you even getting into these fights anyway ?" he asked as if i was gonna tell him 

" brad i know you won't tell me so you have detention for a week  " he said and gave me the detention notice . 

" thanks a lot for not suspending me " i said and left the room 


i was really not in good mood and i needed to talk to somebody and the only person who could come was james so i dialed his number . 

" hey man what is it ? " he asked 

" james can we talk right now ?" i asked moving my hands through my hair 

" yeah but you know dispersal is like after 30 mins so can we talk after that , we can walk home together ?" he asked 

" hey i don't walk home , i have a car " i taunted 

" alright man , we can stop by the park , okay ?" he asked again 

" that sounds perfect " i said and he cut the call and i kind of sniffed off to my class 

in the class

" may i know brad where were you till now ?" the teacher asked 

" principals office " i lied 

" alright " she said and continued teaching . 

this is like the worst day ever of my life . 

after dispersal i got to know james left a little late so here i am sitting on the park bench 

" hey man i'm sorry i'm late , i was doing the practice " james said taking a seat next to me 

" its okay , here " i said giving him the hamburger 

" i bought this for us on my way to here "  i said and james opened up the burger and starting eating eating like he was starving which he probably is always 

" so what is up , what is it ?" he asked still eating his burger 

" dude first eat it " i said chuckling 

" man say it already " he said 

" okay , so you know about what happened at lunch ?" i asked 

" yeah , that fight was do savage but gray got badly hurt  " he said 

" yeah do you know what was it about ?" i asked 

" more like a no " he said 

" okay so listen here , so i don't know what is happening to me , i have got into 2 fights because of luna like i still don't not why . okay the first one was reasonable but this one was intentional . it was about luna again " i said 

" you know thats crazy . since when  did you started fighting for her ?" he asked 

" this is thing , i don't know why i do that " i snapped 

" but its all right since the first one was a nice one since he messed with her which indirectly meant he messed with you and you know every best friend would fight if that would have happened " he said 

" but james this one was different .... " 


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