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I waited outside peeping in with my hood on my head so no one can know its me .

" How long are they gonna talk . Half of the time is left . Fuck dudes come out already " I said to myself .

As soon as I said that to myself Bianca stood up and shouted at brad and left  . Brad sat there for a few moments and then came out and without noticing me he took right . I don't know where was he even heading to .

I started following him and as I followed him , i realized it's just a shortcut to go to the school which I never knew even existed .

Brad stopped for a few seconds and I came towards him . I was not afraid of anything so I just went ahead ..

" Brad ? " I said

" Will you stop following me please and I don't think you really have a free track " he said turning towards me

" First of all brad you don't know if I even have it or not so better shut up and what happened with you and that bitch ? " I said coming just next to him

" Okay but how do you even know that something happened between us ? " He asked

" See first of all I was following up guys from school and besides that I know you that well that even if I  hadn't followed you guys I could've told something was wrong with you " I said pointing him to move forward

" We broke up " he said sadly

" What !? " I said happily

" We broke Luna . How can you be happy ?" He said sadly

" Yeah you're right . Well how ?" I asked controlling my happiness .

" She was cheating on me with jason from the past few months.  " He said

" So I told you she was a bitch " I said pointing this fact

" How did you came to know about this ? And when ? " I asked

" After coming at your place in midnight on your birthday , I saw her  getting out of jasons car . He was holding her the way she was his girlfriend . She was drunk and was out of  control when I called her up . She picked up the phone and was shouting like fuck . She was telling jason that she loved him and he also replied that he loved her and they kissed each other but she forgot that I was on the call " he narrated the whole story

" Then what were you talking about with her on my birthday in Starbucks and the other 2 days till now ?" I asked

" Trying to make her say that she did that but she was not  ready to accept that but today she finally did . She said that fuck yes she loves him and that she is in a relationship with him from the past 4 months and now that she don't give a fuck about me " he said tearing apart .

" Hey brad it's okay . Come on be happy that bitch is gone " I said laughing

" But I loved her " he said looking down and walking

" You were an asshole to love a bitch " I said and brad didn't reply

" Brad I know you loved her but you guys were not meant to be forever together at least I think so because she's such a Bitch and a slut . Come on brad , it's gonna be okay. Stop being such a stupid guy to cry over Bianca the bitch " I said

" Yeah " he replied looking down .

" I didn't thought I was going to do this but I think I need to " I said looking around and brad was surprised for what I was going I do .

I started doing those crazy moves me and brad usually do when we are alone . Seeing me doing those moves brad laughed a little and then joined me . We did those moves together and laughed like hell .

" God you're funny " he said

" I know I am " I said sarcastically

" You know what now I'm happy that she is gone . The bitch." He said looking happy

" Bianca the bitch is gone " I said

" Bianca the bitch is outta my life " he exclaimed

" Shut up and now's let's go back . We have 15 mine for the next period " I said and we raced till our school .


What do you think will happen next ?

And yeah guys I owe you guys a big thank you . I was crying when I saw I got a rank at #545 at girlfriend and #756 in boyfriend . I'm so fucking happy for your amazing reads . It would not have been possible without your efforts.

Much love 💜.

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