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" I loved doing that with you. Only you . And I wanna do this everyday " he stopped now . Now it made sense but why now . Why now ???? .

I turned around tugging at my hair .

" What are you trying to say ?" I said annoyed . This shit is too crazy .

" God you're too dumb . Luna I like you . No I actually love you . I love you more than I have loved anyone else and trust me without you I'm crazy. I can't stay without you and Nobody drives me that crazy as much as you do and trust me nobody hurts me that much as much you do.   I know it sounds crazy but I love you Luna and I want us to be together but it's all on you if you want it . I know I've done wrong and I deserve punishment and I don't deserve your forgiveness but I made my confession  " He said .

" Brad.  Brad. Brad . You have no idea what you're doing." I said confused .

" What is wrong Luna . ?" He asked confused .

" Are you an idiot . You're too selfish . You're ridiculous . You're very selfish . You're coming when you need me . What when I needed you ... " He interrupted . Now I was facing him.

" I know I am . I am really sorry. From the bottom of my heart . You have the right to leave me alone " he said embarrassed looking down

" What is it with you guys . You guys just don't listen. " I fought .

" I'm sorry you say " he said in defeat .

" Good .you're selfish. You're coming to me and telling me that you want us to be a thing while all this time I needed you too . Did you care ? No you didn't . You are selfish that you like me . What about when I liked you . Did you have even a bit of idea how much I liked you all this time because  I acted like I didn't.  You don't even know I had a crush on you since we were in 3rd grade . Like seriously you were my first crush. But you never knew because we always stayed in friendzone . " I said In a breath . I stopped as I ran out of breath . A smirk took place on brads face. 

" What are you smirking at ?" I asked.

" That all this time you liked me yet you never told , never indicated " he said .

"  Ohh ho ho no  . I did . I did . You listen . 3 rd grade  I said I will marry you someday ,  I always held your hands when we were kids, 6th grade homecoming I cried because you said I looked like a fool but you made it up to me , 7th grade 3 people asked me out all rejected because I kept on telling you I like someone who is really close to me . 8th.... "

The next thing I feel his lips over mine and large hands cupping my cheeks and a bit of snowflakes . . I was interrupted by brad kissing . I could feel him smile during the kiss.  I put my hands over his neck and I enjoyed it . I have waited for this long long time . Like really . How much I wanted to feel his beautiful lips on mine . It came true . I was wrong that Shawn is the best kisser , nobody can kiss like brad . Shawn !!! I quickly pulled away .
I turned around to see shawn looking down hurt. 

" Shawn I'm really sorry . I know I never told but I'm really sorry " I pleased .

" It's okay . I hate to admit it but you guys are really cute together . I'd actually love to see you with him and besides we're not a thing remember " he said hurt . I know he's hurt .

" Yeah I know but I deserve a punishment . I left you hanging . Give me one " I pouted .

" Okay . If you say so . Well ...
Urm I don't have a group so I'd stay with you guys until end " he said .

" Done " I agreed .

" Anything else ?" I asked .

" Yeah . You have to stay friends with me " he said .

" Obviously " I agreed . He smiled at me so did I . I hugged him for being like that to him. I hope he didn't feel like I used him .
I separated from hug and turned around to face brad.  He was still standing there in his grey jumper and black jeans. 

" We've got a lot to talk " I demanded.

" Indeed we do Madame " he agreed.  I laughed at his accent. We all three walked out of there and stepped into a new phase of life . The phase I always wanted and I knew my life would never be the same and I wasn't afraid . Sometimes life break's your heart just to give the best in life and THIS IS THE BEST .


The last line has been stolen from the actual book that I wrote in papers ( the same book tho)

Can you believe it's ended.  Although there is still one thing left " epilogue " and a surprise but this is the actual ending of the book .

My heart is just breaking into fragments. 
Your overwhelming support bought Me to 4.4k life wtf . I don't even deserve this .
I've never been loved like this is my entire life. 

Btw I'm giving a very important exam tomorrow and I'm Hella scared now. 

Are We Just Best Friends ? {B.W.S} ✓Where stories live. Discover now