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I was so happy that it felt like I was not in my conscious state . All day I was lost in his world and I completely forgot about everything that happened . I reached home and just slept and watched a few episodes of friends.

Next day

" Hey Brad ? " I said while sitting next to him in car while driving to school .

" Hmm " he replied

" Do you think I'll ever be able to talk to Shawn ? " I randomly asked

" Who's Shawn ? " He asked stopping the car at red light

" My new crush " I said rolling my eyes

" Sorry completely forgot about him . So what's that you were asking ? " He questioned

" Nothing " I rolled my eyes again .  How can he forget Shawn .

" Come on . Ask now.  Don't keep me in suspense " he said

" I said nothing " I replied

" What's wrong with you ?" he asked

" Nothing " I replied.

" What .. " he stopped the car on corner and looked at me

" Why did you stop the car ?" I asked

" What is wrong with you ? " He asked again

" Are you fine or not. I said nothing is wrong with me " I replied getting irritated now. 

" I'm fine but you're not . You can't just randomly ask questions from me about the person I completely forgot about and never repeat the question ." He said in irritation

" I said it's nothing . Now start the car " I replied

" I'm not starting until you tell me what's wrong " he said and crossed his arms .

" Okay then.  Bye " I said getting off the car

" You can't just leave me here come  back in the car " brad yelled

" I am not getting back in it " I yelled .

At school 

when I reach School by myself I rushed  to the washroom knowing that I feel something really weird inside me  and then what I was on my  periods . Urgh again. 

After doing what I needed to do I went to my class straight and sat there. 

" Luna are you crazy , you  can't just leave me there"  brad yelled getting in my class

" It's my decision to go by myself " I yelled back

" what is wrong with you can you just tell me that... ok I am sorry for whatever you asked and I didn't  listen to but at least tell me what is wrong " brad asked in concern

" As if you care " I replied and picked my back and left the class

" Luna  stop and listen to me " brad yelled from behind

I did not replied and went out of the  School.

I went straight to the grocery shop to buy myself chocolate  then went to the park and I sat  and ate my chocolate.

While thinking how rude was I to Brad I realised I have mood swings. I felt bad and guilty and  talk to brad like that knowing that i shouldn't have talked to him like that . It wasn't  his fault anyway.

As I sat there I texted my mum that I skipped  School though she was angry but when I told her I'm on my period she said nothing so that's kind of nice. 

I went straight home and the house was empty obviously it should be as my parents went for work. I threw my bag in my room and rushed to the washroom just to check stains.  I hate it.

I went downstairs and threw myself at the couch and opened my phone.

100 messages from brad.  20 texts from Lidia . 15 calls from brad.  2 texts from mom .

I opened all of them one by one and there was nothing brad could say other than where are you. What is wrong tell me. And Lidia asking me you skipped school why ? And all that stuff but mom's made me happy. 

" There are some cookies in th cabinet and a few chocolate in refrigerator and you can make hot chocolate on your own . If you have bad cramps call me . "
" Take care. Bye sweetheart "

She's the best I swear. 

I'm completely overwhelmed by your support Guys like literally the thing which I laughed behind  for months I got it just because of your reads . I got #1 on 3 tags and I couldn't be anymore happier and with the immense amount of love you guys are showing I'm not able to handle . It's too much for me .
I'm so happy for 1.63k just because of you guys.  I'm so happy . I love you all sooo much .♥️♥️.
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