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" ms. Luna " the principal called me in

I went into the office and sat in front of him

" So luna I got clays complaint " he said

" Yeah so you are punishing him , right ? " I asked

" Yes he is on suspension tomorrow onwards unless you think he should not be in suspension for 3 weeks !" He said

" Well he should be expelled for his actions but suspension for 3 weeks is fine " I said

" You think he should be expelled ?" He asked

" Yes . I mean he harassed me he should be expelled " I said

" Okay so we'll see about expulsion  but for now he will be suspended and I will tell you about expulsion by day after tomorrow " he said

" Thank you so much " I said and left the office while Brad was still sitting there scrolling through phone .

I was still surprised " Brad fought for me " because until now he can fight with me but not for me plus he said sorry way too easily . I couldn't stop wondering about what happened with Brad that he was being sweet to me .


I bunked my geometry just so I can avoid luna but I couldn't stop being mad at that asshole who tried to sort of  harass her. At lunch I was totally out of control when he said something related to luna which made me so mad

" Come on luna was such a bitch , first she herself texted me so that we can work on biology and chemistry and literally it  felt as if she really wanted to get laid cause the way she looks at me with those vulgar eyes of her ...." And before clay could have gone further I punched him hard on his nose .

" What the fuck dude ! Why'd you do that !? " Clay said wiping his nose bleed

" This is what you get when you say something like that about her and try to harass her " i said with anger 

" oh really , i never knew that bitch even had a boyfriend ?" he said while laughing 

" shut the fuck up and better stay away from her and stop saying things like that from your dirty mouth " i said and turned around to leave 

" come on i wouldn't be pissed if i was punching you with the hands i slap my brother " he said while laughing and that way too much for me to take in so i turned around and punched him on his face and i kept on punching until the crowd gathered and luna shouted at me to stop it but i didn't stop and continued to punch him   . little did she had idea that i was fighting for her. soon the principal came did what he is supposed to do , stopped the fight and called us in the office but more surprisingly he also called luna i don't know for which purpose . 

me and luna were sat in front of the principal office saying nothing just the silent treatment and to avoid contact i pretended to be on the phone ,  until she broke the silence  . 

" why did you do that ?" she asked

" he talked to me rudely " i answered anything to hide the actual answer 

" any excuse for a fight ,right ?" she said because she knows me and knows when i'm lying 

" he harassed a girl which he shouldn't had , especially if that girl is you " i said without realizing what i said because that makes no sense to her because she knows i don't care but more surprisingly i did care for why but why?

" me ?" she asked surprisingly 

" yeah , its like he harassed my little sister and he was the reason you were not talking to me " i said trying to change  the conversation 

" brad i was not talking to you because instead of being supportive you made fun of me , infact you were not even sorry at least james said sorry " she said which kind of made me feel sorry for what i said but dude my ego is bigger than my heart . 

" yeah after all lidia black mailed him " i said which was actually true 

" still, i'm not talking to you anyways " she said which kind of annoyed me because i'm having these scars over my face  because of her and her ego says that she still don't want to talk to me 

" i fought because of you , what else do you want me to do ?" i asked 

" all i wanted was you to say sorry that's all , i didn't wanted you to fight because of me and then  get detention " she said which kind of made sense unlike all the senseless things she say 

" i'm sorry " i finally said that 

" ohh its okay , i guess " she responded and i was like what the hell , still shes like i guess . wth . but before i could have said anything else the principal called her in and even she walked out of the office i didn't see her. 

" mr. simpson " the principal called me in . 

i went in and took the seat in front of him  

" first off , that fight was annoying and ridiculous " he said 

" excuse me sir but he harassed someone and you wouldn't take any actions for the people i care about so i needed to " i said in disappointment 

" i know he harassed luna and he is punished but unfortunately i must punish you too " he said 

" yes that's fine" i said in relief for clay is punished 

" detention tomorrow " he  said 

" alright but how are you gonna punish him ?" i asked 

" we have talked to luna and she wants him to be expelled and so will we decide that and tell her that but until then he is on suspension " he said 

" you better do what she wants " i said and left the office . 

Ooohh someone's being caring .
So if you have seen the kissing booth you must have noticed I used a little bit of dialogue here because I love the movie so much .

And second of all I want to thank all of you for reading and making it reach 300 . I love you all .

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