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Days went by and Shawn and me got in a little deeper . Everyday I have been going home with him and above all we have hanged out after school a lot lately . I don't know anything but one thing I know is that we are enjoying each other's company .

" I wanted to tell you something " Shawn said after the class got over and we started picking up our books .

" Okay and  what is it ?" I asked

" Look I am going to my granny's place because she is sick so I am going to take you on a date after that so be ready"  he told me

" Oh my God , what happened to her ?"  I asked tensed

" she is really not feeling well  she is not like in any worse condition but my father said it would be nice to you just meet her " Shawn told

" Alright then , i mean go ahead you should I mean she is sick  .  All of my love and wishes for her and may she get well soon " I replied

" No love for me " he pouted

" Now you silly lover boy" I teased .

" So I am going to meet you after school " Shawn said

" Well see you then. "  I said

and we went our separate ways for our last classes.

After school

" you know this is going to be our last meeting in away before I go to my granny's place I really don't feel like going without you " Shawn said putting on his seat belt and pouting

" Aww you really into me ! not gonna work  " I teased

" Haha shut up " he rolls his eyes . I smile at his comeback . God this boy is the death of me . Even his eye roll is so sexy .

"Meet you in a week " Shawn said

" Yeah bye. I'll see you soon " I tell him and got off the car .

" Hey,  no goodbye kiss " Shawn pleased. 

" No you lover boy " I teased .

He pouted.  I get in the car again and was about to kiss his cheeks when he turned his face and we kissed on lips .
I flinched after that peck.  He looked at me and this time we intentionally kissed .

" Better " Shawn said after the kiss

" Go home you pervert " I tease him and he pouted and left. 

I went inside and ended with my day like usual . In night I texted Shawn

" Have a safe journey lover boy " with a kissy emoji
He instantly replied .

" I love it when you call me that . " He sent along with a smirk and wink .

" Bye you idiot " I texted and kept my phone on night stand and slept .

Next day.

I enter my school and what a great start I already bumped into someone's back . The School is gonna suck for the next one week cause Shawn is not here .

" Hii . Isn't it nice to just bump into your old friends . I'm Afraid to call us best friends anymore though " Lidia Said . Whatt. After that brad thing I haven't met her and it's been so long but also I've been so busy with Shawn and I like his company and I know I don't have to face brad , I'm staying with Shawn but this has made us so distant .

" Hey it is nothing like that . We're still best friends . " I assured her .

" I doubt . Well how are things with your crush.  You've been only hanging out with him and not us " she teased. Only if she knew what happened .

" Urm . Well we have been onto dates now but we aren't like a thing yet . Anyway he's gone for a week " I tell her walking towards our class .

" Ohh I see . You can come with us . You know for lunch " she offered .

" Oh no it's fine . I'll do alone . I mean I don't hold a designation to just show up whenever I want to  " I tell her .

" Look at what shit you're saying . " She is annoyed.

" Come on we're all friends . You are coming and that's an order " she tells me .

" Alright . Then I'll see you at lunch " I tell her and enter my class .

I couldn't concentrate on any of my class , I just kept wondering did I really made brad end my friendship with others too. I won't let him do that but hasn't it already happened. 

During the lunch , we Started talking about our daily lives .

" I mean you guys literally vanished . You and brad.  This is so strange " Lidia said out of nowhere . What . Brad is not staying with them ?

" What do you mean ?" I ask

" You don't know !  Brad doesn't have lunch with us anymore , besides I don't even think he stays in school at lunch " she tells me .

" Ohh . I mean I don't know . I have been too Much with Shawn that I didn't remember him telling me that " I lied .

" Alright.  " She said and brad just passed in front of us .

" Hey brad ...


Thank you guys for reading.  Sad note this book is gonna end soon. 

Are We Just Best Friends ? {B.W.S} ✓Where stories live. Discover now