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It was midnight when Lidia called me.

"Happy Birthday Luna " she spoke through the phone

" Thank you Lidia " I replied

And blah blah blah and soon I got so many calls for my birthday wishes well except one the one I was waiting for. It was bradley fucking simpson . Who else could it be. I don't know where he has been from the past 4 hours because he hasn't contacted me not even a call now a message or anything. Now this makes me angry.

I went downstairs to have water when the door bell rang . I went to open up the door and

" Happy Birthday Luna" my friends , Tristan, Connor , James and Lidia shouted with the cake in the hand. I saw everybody well except one, again it is only person I look in the crew and it was him . Brad .

" Happy Birthday sweetie" my parents said from behind me.

" Thank you guys but Where is brad?" I asked

"Yeah he has gone out he said he would be late but he must have called you or texted you" Tris said

" no he didn't" I said .

I Called everybody inside the house as it  was 12:30 in night. I went to the kitchen to search for a  knife to cut the cake while everybody were in the living room .

I was looking for a knife when somebody Held me by my waist  and lifted me up and I screamed out loud.  I turned around to see who it was while my parents came running into the kitchen . It was brad .

"Happy Birthday dumbo" he said

" Well brad you are really unlucky because I have a knife and I'm going to stab you because you are already late and You fucking  scared me " I said running behind Brad with the knife and I had to stab him.

We ran across the whole  house until Lydia shouted at us

" guys stop it . We have our school tomorrow " she shouted And we stopped and I cut the cake .

After that they all went to their homes and I went to bed .

The next morning

When I woke up , I got fresh and dressed up and  went downstairs to have my breakfast .

" Morning Mom and Dad  " I greeted my mom

" Morning darling " they greeted me and I sat to have my breakfast .

I saw the picture of my brother .

" You still miss him ?" My dad said looking at his picture

" Yeah dad " I replied

" We too " dad said

Yeah about my brother , he died of cancer 3 years back . Painful . I could not recover from this trauma for a long time and even now I miss him so much. 

Brad came in through the door

" Morning Mrs and Mr stone " he greeted them .

" Morning brad , how many times  do we need to tell you to call us John and Lucia " my mom

" Okay , morning John and Lucia " he said taking a seat next to me

" You know what I feel awakward when I call you that because I feel like I'm saying to lunas cousins or her or my friends " he said and starting eating the breakfast .

He gave me a gift

" Omg . Even brad simpson give gifts " I said and my parents laughed while brad looked at me angrily

" Shut up and open it , we gotta go to school " he said and I opened the gift and it was a guitar showpiece with a collage of our pictures and a set of Kylie cosmetic .

" Gifts and brad simpson . I thought it was no realtion and that too nice gifts . I mean your choices have improved " I laughed while brad saw like he's about to kill me . He picked up my backpack and went out of the door.

" Get up we would be late " he said stepping out of the door . I picked up my phone and earphones and picked our lunches and kissed my parents and left .

" Ready ? " Brad asked

" Yeah" I said putting on the seat belt

He started driving and turn on the radio .

When we arrived the school I got out and brad threw my backpack at my face and I gave his lunch to him .

I got out of the car and saw Lidia and James making out . Well I'm used to it .

" Hey beyutch " I said to Lidia

"Hey " James said and I smiled

" Hey dumbo . Here " she said and have me my gift . I put it in my back pack and went in .

Hey there people . Unfortunately I need to write this chapter 3 times because my unpublished parts got deleted and you need to wait up a little bit . Thanks for reading . Ly . Xx.

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