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We sat on the table to have food . The food was amazing and the next thing Shawn did was ask me for dance. 

" You actually look breathtaking " Shawn said while dancing with me .

" Stapphhh . I don't look breathtaking" I groan .

" Alright . Will beautiful work ?" He asked laughing

I nod laughing.  I rest my head on his shoulders while dancing and he holds my back .

" You know you were right that we never thought that we could be really good friends but look at us, we're on a date now . Who thought of that " Shawn said .

" True actually . I mean like I never thought I would ever be able to talk to my crush " I blurted out .

" Crush huh ?" Shawn smirks . I hide my face in his shoulders .

" It's okay . Actually you were pretty much my crush since the moment you hugged me at my place . " He admitted .

" Really ?" I ask innocently .

" Yup . But when did I became your crush ?" He asked curiously still Swaying to the music .

" Well honestly the day you walked into the class the first time but I started liking you even more when you talked to me in the library " I admitted looking at him .

" Ahh . I really forgot about the library thing " Shawn said looking at me .
I swatted his arms and he laughed . I gave in .

His light brown eyes meet mine . Our bodies slowly Swaying to music now stopped . It felt as if the time thought of stopping for the two people admitting their feelings. Our lips slowly made its way to each other .  We were kissing passionately , moving slowly in sync . My heart out of nowhere admitted that he's the best kisser . Our lips slowly seperated and smiles took place on both of our lips and our bodies again began to dance to the music watching the view of the city.

" Thanks for coming tonight and making it better " Shawn said after stopping the car In front of my house. 

" You made mine better too . So I'll see you tomorrow at school " I tell him .

" For sure . " Shawn smiles and I walk out .

" Bye " he said opening the passenger seat window .

" Ya fineee . Bye now go home " I told him for the fifth time now .
He laughs .

" I mean It . Go now " I threaten smiling .

" Oui Madame . I'm going " he laughs and pulls out of the driveway .

I enter my home and saw my mom sleeping on the couch . I bring a blanket from inside and put it on her and put her laptop on the table .

" You should not work so hard lovely lady " I said as if she would respond . I make my way upstairs and after undressing I put myself to sleep .

Next day

Walking down the hallway I saw brad walking out of his class and lidia following him . I quickly looked another way and see Shawn joining me .

" Hi " I smile .

" What a big smile . Gurlll.  Stop playing with my heart " Shawn teases and I swat his arms . After last night's conversations I am pretty sure we know each other better now and are more than just friends but not stepping into relationship. Not yet. 

We walk out of the school together laughing and talking. 

" Let me drop you off ?" Shawn suggests.

" You know I'd better go alone than to go with you " I tease .

" Someone's fiesty " Shawn's comeback are killer .

I hop into the car .

" Now get out of the school " I smirk .

" Oui Madame " Shawn nods Smilin' .


The chapter only for couple.  Lol.  Thanks for 3.54k . Thank you for reading , remember you all mean too much to me . Hope you're enjoying this . Well have a good day .
- R.r.

Are We Just Best Friends ? {B.W.S} ✓Where stories live. Discover now