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" it's just ... I .. you ... " He blabbered

" Come on say it already " me and Lidia both said at the same time

" It's just that you look .. stunning " he said taking a pause .

" Oh thanks

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" Oh thanks. You don't look bad yourself " I compliment

" Are you both kind of dating ?" My mom asked suddenly

" What no ! "
" No . No " we both said instantly

" Okay okay . Well I need to admit that Lidia you look beautiful " my mom said   which is true

" Thanks  Mrs. Stone " she smiled and we got out of the house

" Well my mom is right . You look freaking amazing " I said to Lidia

" Are you kidding me , you are slaying hard right now " she said and we both laughed and James sat in the driver's seat and Lidia on passenger seat and I sit behind with gray .

And that is how she looked

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And that is how she looked.  Isn't she hella amazing .

while going to school 


i kept on staring her and every single moment i saw her i wanted to tell her how much i like her . " should i ? nah !! but what if she accepts ?" these kind of thoughts kept on coming in my mind but then i decided to tell her later when we get out of the car since we are not alone at the moment . i really need to admit that she's hella pretty , even more when she dresses up . god i can't help falling in love with her . 

when we reached school 

i did not look forward to tell her right now . it would be better to tell later tonight though . we got out of the car and we entered the prom together but then i laid my eyes on brad . he's really happy but when he saw her his smile faded a little and i knew why did it fade . is it really because of me ? i saw luna again she was watching everything carefully and smiling but the her eyes laid on brad , they had eye contact and then broke . 

" shall we sit ? " she asks me 

" sure why not " i said and we sat on the chairs 

" do you need anything , like a drink sort of or something to eat ? " i asked 

" nope " she said smiling and i got up to get a drink for myself . 

i came back and sat again . i see brads date coming over and sitting in front of her , she calls brad to sit with her and they sat together . luna faked a smile to them and brad did the same . 

" you look pretty " i said to brads date . 

" you also look good man " she said to me 

after a few minutes of silence and a really nice song  came over .

" Oh my God that's my favorite " me and Brad's date said at the same time .

" Look they both are really boring wanna dance to this ?" She asked

" Yeah sure " I said

" Wanna join ? " I asked both

" No " they both replied

When me and the girl was dancing I said " I'm gray btw.  We didn't do intro "

" Omg I'm completely sorry for that.  I'm twisha " she said and she's so much fun . And we danced a lot and laughed


Me and brad were sitting in front of each other but we didn't talk . He was constantly looking here and there but I had no idea why he was doing that. 
Something inside me was saying " just talk to him " but my ego .

He smiled at me and then said
" You look nice today "

" Thanks " I replied.  Really this is it .

" You look good too " I said

" Thanks " he replied

" Wanna get a drink or something ?" He asked

" Um okay " I replied  and we got up and went to the drinks area

" Pick your choice " he said and I picked a normal Coke.

We went to eat something then cane back to our table. This is getting really really awkward .


This was getting really awkward so I finally said

1.14k LIKE WHAT ?????? Are you guys kidding me . Ilysm for all of it . This is amazing .

Ig - thevampette_

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