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I pushed her away . Hard . Like the way that .. she fell on the floor . I felt bad but it was for our best .

" What the actual fuck brad . You're still high aren't you " she said

" No I'm not . Just get out of my damn House . " I shouted a little .

" Are you out of your fucking mind , just look what you're saying " now she shouted  a little .

" No I'm not now get out of my house " I said arrogantly

" No I'm not and I'm gonna stay here untill you're okay " she said

" Why does it matter to you huh . We're nothing okay . " I yelled a little

" It fucking matters to me cause we're best friends and we promised to stay best friends " she was yelling a little

" I don't remember such promises nor do I believe in your shit " I felt bad for saying that

" Brad you can't say that , we are best friends and we will remain best friends  . Forgot it . " she said with tears appearing in her eyes . It hurt me to see her like that but I had no other option .

" I don't believe in that nor do I want us to be best friends anymore . Just leave me alone and get out of my house and never ever talk to me . don't face me again  " what absolute shit am I even saying .

" Brad you can't say that " she was sobbing a little now

" I already did now get out of my damn house " I yelled

" Fine .  I'm leaving and I swear you're gonna feel bad for it and regret what you just did and trust me if you come back I won't want you " she said and left.  Her words a actually left me dishearted because I was already regretting each and every bit of what just happened.  I know she's never gonna forgive but I know after that kiss maybe she wants us to be thing and I know we will end in hating each other out of love and I didn't wanted to hurt her like that.  And I know maybe after all this settled we will be friends again but again maybe , only if she forgives me .

Just to pretend that I really felt good after fighting with her I put a story on IG saying " feeling a relief " and I knew she would understand it but then I waited for the entire day to check whether she saw it or not and when she did I blocked her . I feel like shit for doing it but it's for our best . Or is it ?


I never saw such face of brad , he never seems to forget promises and that's what hurt me the most . He made me fall on the ground and was so rude . I feel like never taking to him but if it happens that we start talking again I guess I will but that's really impossible right now .

I was crying my eyes out and it's the worst I've cried ever. I ran home as fast as I could.. when I reached home I just went into my room crying soo bad that I just threw myself into the bed and Locked the door .

Someone kept knocking on my door and I knew it was mom .

" Honey is everything alright " she asked concerned

" Mom I just don't want to talk to anyone please leave. I'll talk to you later " I cried out

" Okay hun , just make sure you're okay " and I could feel she left .

While crying I don't even know when I fell asleep .

I woke up . I sat still on my bed , I stood up and walked up to the Mirror and my eyes were red .  I went to the washroom and washed my face and came out and checked my phone , I saw brads insta story " feeling a relief" and then he blocked me. He hates me . I was sad and I kept on wondering that brad felt a relief after ending up the friendship with me . I wonder from how long he wanted to do that .

I went downstairs ....


I'm really sorry for not posting just the next day but I will be doing it now because my goal is to end it before my main exams. Don't worry there is a lot left and I can't wait for you to read it .
Don't forget to check my other stories specially " THE DARE " it's new.  Show some support.
Love ✌️♥️.

Are We Just Best Friends ? {B.W.S} ✓Where stories live. Discover now