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he held my hand and didn't let me go , we kept looking at each other for a while then , we slowly kissed . i was out of control not in a rude way but it was like I wasn't in my senses and I kissed him back like we're a thing and not just friends .
We seperated and I guess I was blushing . I went to take water and when I returned he had already fallen asleep .
That night I made a vow not to talk about this with anyone cause Brad and I aren't a thing and we both were out of our senses . I mean you can say I was in my senses but he wasn't .

My phone was dead so I called from Brad's landline and informed mom I will be staying over at brads which she was completely fine with since she knows nothing can happen between us but something just happened and I don't wanna think about it so I tried sleeping and after trying to sleep  for an hour or so I finally fell asleep .

The next morning

I woke at my normal time but brad was still asleep , i was still wondering whether I should talk about last night or not . I went to check on him and he was sitting on bed with his hands on his head which clearly indicates he had a headache .


I woke up to a headache . I could barely remember anything . Just when I was trying to remember about last night Luna walked in and I remembered something from last night actually a lot I guess. 

" You know you should not be drinking too much " she said

" I know " I replied . I was thinking of ways to avoid her for whatever happened between us last night and I don't know for what purpose but gray too , oh yeah she's into him cause they kissed I saw it.  I don't have a that bad memory or you can say I wasn't that high to not to remember that we kissed each other and I said something stupid.  What if she wants us to be thing but .. nevermind .. Wtf .

" The med is on the table right next to you and the water " she said . Fuck she's been sweet , not that I don't like it when she's sweet but  she's gonna talk about it but I don't want to. Ik she hates me .

" Yeah I'll take it but what are you doing here and not in your home " I said a little rudely she'll hate me .

" You were way too drunk last night that I needed to stay here and besides brad thank me I didn't told your parents about last night " she said coming towards me . Gosh I'm scared ....

Fuck . What if she actually thinks I like her . Wtffff.....

" Stop " I said standing up . I actually yelled a little .

" Okay " she stopped with a frown of confusion  drawn on her face .

" Why are you here ?" I said rudely . I swear I'll never forgive myself for doing it .

" Brad I just told you , you were way too drunk last night and I was here to make sure nothing happens to you and besides since when did you started drinking " she said annoyed

" Why do you even care about whatever fuck happens to me and its none of your business . I can handle myself now. Go home " I said acting annoyed

" What the fuck you're speaking . You're talking bullshit which says that you're still drunk . It is my business  " she said holding me

I pushed her away . Hard . Like way hard That ....


If I would've continued it would be very long . I'm taking it slow .
Plus . Plus . I published a new book so go check it out
" THE DARE " . I really want you guys to check it out it's gonna be great trust me . Besides I think I'm writing short chapters now so I guess its helping you guys but not me anyway I'll do whats good for you . And I'm actually a little disappointed by my reads Fallin a little . Ik I have been putting chapters very slowly but guys I'm going though a little hard time . I have a lot of stress . I'm sorry though but I'll be uploading next chapter tomorrow .

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Are We Just Best Friends ? {B.W.S} ✓Where stories live. Discover now