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*I'm sobbing this book is ended now
Ending at 4.56k reads *

" Hey hey hey . No it doesn't go there " I yell at brad looking up from my assignment sheets .

" Alright ma'am then you keep it . I'm keeping it here " he said and kept the box of photos on the table in front of me .
He sit next to me and i continued with my assignment .

" What are you doing anyway ?" He asked trying to figure out what I'm doing .

" Working on my assignment " I told him still writing .

He snatched away the pen from my hand , pulled all the sheets from me .

" What do you think you're doing ?" I asked trying to reach his arms in air . He dropped all the sheets on floor along with pen .

" What did you do ?" I said annoyed just as I was about to pick them up he pulled me in his lap. Now I was sitting on his lap facing him . He smells soo good .
His hands move to my back and held me .

" What are you doing ?" I asked smiling.

" Something you always want " he teased.

" I want nothing. Leave me I've got to do this assignment " I said .

" Ahh obviously you're the professor's baby " he tease me . I narrow my eyes at him

" Mr . Simpson get this Straight in mind I'm no professor's baby okay . I do work to be up....

I am cut off by brad kissing me . I smile while kissing .

" I know you love when I do this " he said while kissing . I smile at him and tug at his hair .

I pull him away from me .
" Stop " I demand .

" Come on you're always doing these things . we're in college now . Stop being a teacher's favourite. Don't you get bored " he tease me

" I'm not teachers favourite " I fight back .

" But you're mine " he said and smile and kissed him . He stands up , I cross my leg across his back , his hands rested on my hips to keep me from falling and my hands as usual one in hair and one on his neck . He walks in the bedroom and locks the door . Even though we live alone he still believes while sharing intimate moments we should close doors . Haha his theory.

So this is where our lives has bought us . We are here now In London doing our university together . We moved in together because duh we love each other too much . We have a normal teasy relationship and it's working well so far . I like the fact that brad is now into pursuing music and his voice is honestly one of the best thing in the World , heavenly . He have written so many songs and have sung to me and I still wonder how we went from just best friend to lovers just in 2 years . But then I also wonder " were we always just best friends ?" I don't think so .

Apart from our lives , I believe everyone's lives has changed . Lidia and James also moved in together here in London and we have done soo many double dates which apparently brad is bored in .. and about Shawn he found a new girlfriend and he's so happy with her that he thanks me that if i never left him he would've never found her dream girl , he has shifted back to Canada with her and about Gray , he turned out to be homosexual , he's currently dating a guy and I'm so happy for him and the rest of them are same , Happily single yet here I am sharing my Intimate moment with brad . He's is really the best thing that had happened to me .

This past 2 year if I learnt one thing then it has to be rising up.
Life gave me the hardest things to deal with and those indeed were the hardest thing, how my heart broke multiple times yet I did not give up.
Everything that happened in my life made me a bit stronger at every level and I cannot be more grateful. So let's face the truth, everything happens for a reason !


This has ended . I repeat " are we just best friends ?" Has ended . I can't believe what this book means to me . This is actually a written book on papers but writing on Wattpad bought a little more adventure and many more different things to the story .

This book was actually Started on 7 March 2018 and today is 7 March 2019 . An exact one year. That's the only read I delayed publishing at end cause I wanted it to end the same day I started it and it feels beautiful.

But above all I wanna thank everyone for making it mine most read book . I never thought it'd ever reach such great amount of reads . Thanks for all your support . I'm extremely thankful for being patient with me .. I love you all from the bottom of my heart and trust me I'll never ,ever forget how I wrote it .I'll miss this feeling to write.

If you're thinking what you're gonna read after this , I am writing a book " THE DARE " so do Dare to check it out . Haha .. I will miss this feeling always .

I'm still thinking whether I should write is sequel or not ! So tell me whether I should ?!

( It never was a goodbye )
3rd April 2019 - IT HAVE A SEQUEL.
" We can't be just best friends "

Are We Just Best Friends ? {B.W.S} ✓Where stories live. Discover now