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It's been a month to everything . My parents.  That is my everything . I walk out of my parents room and see the  family picture and smile . One thing I understood this one month is that they left me to fight it . They wanted me to fight it and I am . I'm trying and I'm progressing.

" Ready to go ?" Shawn asked .
This last one month , me and Lidia or me and shawn regularly went to the graveyard to keep flowers and today I'm going with Shawn .

" Yeah let's go " I said and we left .

" You know that NGO , they gave all the money that my parents made all this time " I tell him while driving there. 

" So what are you gonna do with it ?" He asked his eyes still focused on road. 

" Giving it for charity.  I don't need so much Money . I wanna be independent" I tell him .

" You have changed so much In this past month . In a good way " he tells me. 

" I feel like that too " I tell him with a smile .

It took everything in my power to put a smile on my face after everything but seems like it wasn't that hard . It started happening more when I actually started respecting  the fact that everything happens for a reason . You can't hold onto someone forever and what remains is just memories.  I can't blame them for leaving me alone it just happened . It was their destiny and so is it mine. 

We reach our destination and got out with Shawn and go towards my parents grave.  I pick up the dried flowers from there and put the new ones .

" Luna " someone yelled.  I recognised the voice . I get up and turned around .

" You have nothing to do here anymore . Go home brad " Shawn defended me .

" Please Shawn it's between us . Don't intrude . I respect that you are too quick to defend her but Luna listen to me once " he said calmly looking at me .

" What do you wanna do . Hurt me again , please If it's that what you wanna do let me tell you I've had enough.  And why do you think I'd listen to you after what you've done to me huh " I argue . I was and still am mad at him for not being the one when I needed him to be.  I trusted him to stay but he betrayed .

" Because I know you still want us together as friends and just like me you also wanna be normal again and I need you " he said and I couldn't agree  more but it wasn't right. 

" What when I needed you all this time . Now that I'm finally moving  forward I don't wanna drag down once again . Leave.   " I tell him and looked away .

" You heard her . Leave " Shawn said .

" Shawn it's the last time I'm saying . Don't intrude . Its none of your business " brad fought. 

" You don't have the right to talk to him like that " I quickly interrupted. 

" I'm sorry but Luna please hear me out and I just want you to know what happened and why it happened . Then it will be your decision to be with me or not . Talk to me again or not " he please .

" Please . Brad leave me alone " I said again .

" Please I beg you and you know I never beg " he's right but I don't know if I wanna be friends with him again .

" You heard her . Leave her alone " Shawn said . I decided .

" Shawn it's okay . Speak brad " I said and relief took place on brads face. 

" It'll only work if you let me say the entire thing okay ! " He said . I nodded .

" It all began with gray.  "

" What ?" I couldn't control but he has nothing to do .

" I said let me say first " he instructed .
I rolled my eyes and nodded with my arms crosses in front .  

" I never realised anything until he came . From the day he came I got a very different vibe from him " he said . I nod .

" so you remember when me and gray fought ?" He asked .

" Yeah I do . " I replied .

" It happened then. I made him say things that would make you hate him but it backfired . Instead I got to know he liked you " he said and took a pause and I used it .

" Happened what ?" I asked frowning .

" You'll know if you just let me continue for once " he fought . I nod In defeat .

" On prom I convinced myself but things got worse later . The beginning of this year , everything was fine until he came . Shawn " he pointed to him.

" Brad I'm getting no shit . What happened . What did you convinced yourself for? What the fuck are you even trying to say ?" I asked totally confused .

" What part of stay quiet don't you not get ." He argued .

" You're just making it confusing " I fought back .

" Okay but now just listen till the end " he said and I nod .

" Then I felt the same vibe.  But he was different from gray.  You liked him too and I got more jealous but I let it go. I convinced myself to be happy with this fact even though I wasn't . Then let's jump to the night we kissed. " He said and I blushed in embarrassment .

" I remember it . That night before you came to my place . I saw you and gray kiss. I saw you guys kiss and that I was the only reason I went for drinking because I was super jealous " he said . What the fuck  is he saying .

" First of all he forced Himself on me and secondly why were you even jealous ?" I asked .

" You still don't get it . I did not knew that he forced himself on you until today . I know it's confusing and super shitty but I got jealous because I assumed you kissed him too and then" he paused but raised his finger for me to keep my mouth shut . I kept it shut .

" Then . After you bought me home drunk I became a little sober . I wasn't too high.  I remember saying cringy shit to you , some cheesy pick up line and then we kissed but the next morning we f.. I mean I fought you Because I was insecure that you might somewhere liked me and wanted us to be a thing because you were acting all sweet but that is the usual you but then I realised I was insecure,  not you . I did not wanted us to end up hating each other out of love . But the truth is I'm not scared anymore because I love you Luna. It has been there from a long time but I kept convincing Myself that I didn't . Every cheesy couple things we did in school and people assumed us to be a couple I ignored it but still did it because I only loved doing that to you. Only you .  And I wanna do this everyday . " He stopped now.

I'm sobbing . This is my favourite Chapter ever and probably the longest chapter in the entire book .

Did you ever expected that?

Are We Just Best Friends ? {B.W.S} ✓Where stories live. Discover now