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The next day

Today I finally got to know what I won at I mean like yeah I did eavesdropping that's why I know that I won . Actually luna chose me over brad and said that I was much better than Brad which made me feel proud but somewhere in my heart I felt like
"Am I an intruder ?" .

Luna's POV

I'm still mad at Brad but more surprisingly he hasn't even messaged a sorry , I mean like didn't he even had that much time or he thinks it wasn't mistake at all , if yes then he's such an asshat .

Today my mom dropped me to school since Brad and me are not talking. 
I entered the school and went to Lidia.

" Hey luna , I'm really sorry for being such an asshole , its just i had a bad day and took it over you " james said before I could have said a hi or anything .

" It's okay , at least you realized your Mistake , some people don't even accept that " I said thinking of brad

" Thanks for forgiving me " he said

" Anytime " I smiled at him and took Lidia with me to the washroom

"Lidia seriously !!" I said in a tone

" What ?! " She exclaimed

" You talked to james last night after leaving my place and asked him to say sorry to me " I said

" Yeah so it was his fault and plus he himself was going to say sorry to you " she said

" Any  excuse for not accepting it that you were not the one " I taunted

" He should not had done that . It was his fault and you deserved an apology " she said

" Fine . " I said and we left the washroom

After me attending the first class with Lidia I thought Brad was gonna be at geometry but he wasn't there . Bunk again . I knew he was in school , I had that feeling but why did he do that ! Is he really afraid of showing his face to me  after what he has done ?

During my whole day at school the only 2 things I wait for is
1. Lunch and free lance .
2. Going back home .

So yeah it was lunch break and Brad hasn't shown up till now . Maybe he is absent

" Hey lee ( Luna )  where do you think Brad is because I know he is in school ?" Lidia said.

" I don't know I thought he was absent" I said

" Oh no he isn't , he is in school , I saw him in the hall " she said

" Maybe you saw someone else " I assured

" Maybe ". She said and we started eating lunch .

" Oh my god really " someone shouted

" Yeah over there " another one said

I looked around the hall and saw people gathered in the ground . I looked at Lidia with an " what is going on " expression .

" Come on let's see over there " I said and Lidia came with me to the ground

We cut through the crowd and managed to reach the front . I saw the unbelievable .

Brad beating clay copper

" Stop Brad " I shouted

" Stop it . " I shouted again

" Enough Brad , he is severely injured" I shouted even though what clay did to me was unforgivable but he was Injured severely .

The principal came on time

" Knock it off " the principal  shouted but they wouldn't stop

" Knock it off " he yelled  and pulled both of them apart

" You 2 in my office , now " he said and dragged them

" You too ms. Luna stone " he said

" Me ? " I questioned cause I had no idea why he called me in the office

" In my office now " he said and followed them to the office . 

Me and brad sat outside the office and clay was inside with the principal .

" Why did you do that ?" I asked

" He talked to me rudely " he said

" Any excuse for a fight , right ?!" I said in a tone .

" He harassed a girl which he shouldn't had especially if that girl is you " he said

" Me ?! " I said in surprise

" Yeah , it's like he harassed my sister and he was the reason you were not talking to me " he said

" Brad I was not talking you because instead of being supportive you made fun of me , infact you are not even sorry for that at least james said sorry" I said

" Yeah after all Lidia black mailed him" he said

" Still , I'm not talking to you anyways" I said

" I fought because of you , what else do you want? " he asked

" All I wanted was you to say sorry that's all , I didn't wanted you to fight because of me and then get detention" I said

" I'm sorry " he said

" Ohh it's okay I guess " I responded in Surprise

" Ms. Luna " the principal called me in



Why did you think brad is being nice to her !!!!!

Thank you for reading. 

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