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i reached home and called lidia 

" hey " i said through the phone 

" hi luna hows you . i'm really sorry I couldn't come to the school . I missed my bus so please don't be mad at me " she said worriedly 

" hey its okay , can you come over my place tonight ?" i asked on the verge of crying 

" hey are you alright?" she asked with concern 

" yeah just come over i need to talk " i said 

" sure i'll be there in ten " she said 

" thanks " i said and we ended the call 

after some 10 minutes she was at my place . 

" hey are you okay , you sounded like you were about to cry ?" she asked 

" no .." i said with tears coming down my eyes 

" what happened ?" she asked 

after i told her everything she hugged me .

" that asshole must be punished " she said 

" yes he is going to " i assured her 

" but i can't believe james said that , he's so dead now " she said in anger 

" hey but please don't break up with him for me " i told her 

" yeah " she said smiling 

" you know what you need " she said 

" what?" i asked 

" ice cream " she said happily

" come on now ' she said and dragged me out of my bed 

" hey wait up let me tell mom " i said and went down to mom and told her 

after a while i came out to her and went with her to get ice cream . 

we reached the ice cream parlor and bought two cornetto's and went to the park and sat on  the bench 

" you know what ?" i said 

" what ?" she asked 

" you are the best friend anyone can ever have , everybody deserves a best friend like you " i said 

" aww you can be so sweet when you want to be " she said and hugged me 

even these usual hangouts turns out to be my photography session , and lidia is always my role model and love clicking her pictures . she is the best thing that has ever happened to me . 

These are a few pictures I clicked of her in the park , one in the parlor , few at my place

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These are a few pictures I clicked of her in the park , one in the parlor , few at my place .

after that  she left for home . when she left for her home , she took out her phone and called someone and i guess i knew who it was . i knew she wouldn't listen to me and call james and be mad at him because it was lidia who never listens to anyone . 

Grays POV 

Being at lunch at the first day of school with some amazing people was fun . it was fun to be with them but it sort of didn't turn out to be really   good but more surprisingly i couldn't stop watching luna and her best friend . they seemed to be more like friends , the way they met each other and the way they were too open about their friendship and ran around the whole lunch area in their arms . I felt they were way more than just best friends . Are they just best friend's ? Well clearly that didn't matter because they looked cute together.

But as they were talking and she told her group everything about what has happened , her friends instead of supporting her made fun of her, that is something we all do to our friends but at this point they should be supportive  and one was way not  funny at all , claiming her to be lesbian was not good at all.
After the incident she was heart broken and that I could tell and she expected her friends to be supportive but it was not that happened.

She threw her lunch and went away which made me angry

" How could you all be doing this to her ? You should've been supporting her !? " I snapped and ran after her

As I ran towards her and tried to convince her that they are sorry even when they were not . Her best friend , Brad actually came after us but the other guy sat there and ate his lunch . Like what dude . I don't know what actually happened between Brad and her cause I left and went to james I guess that's what the name of the other guy is but what seemed was she told him to leave her alone and didn't meet them .

" What a freak you are . You don't have any idea how a girl feels when that happens to . Like an fucking asshole you made fun of her and are not even apologizing !! " I shouted at him

" Dude you met us today and you don't even know a bit about us so better stay away from this . Brad will manage and I didn't anything to  be apologizing for . Plus she shouldn't had taken that seriously . " He said in a bad mood

" Leave it . " I said and left the place

I felt pity for her but I couldn't help it , she left the place . But when Brad came back to the table he looked at me as if he was about to kill me .

" Oh you won little hurt bitch " he said

" What ?! " I said confusingly but he already left.  I'm still not sure what I won in . What did I do that he felt I won ?


Thanks for reading . BTW here is just a notice that I have my two other stories , so if you would wanna read it , it would be amazing.  Love ya. 

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