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I went downstairs and I saw my mom working on her laptop .

" You okay honey ?" She asked

" I don't know " I told her

" Wanna talk about it ?" She asked taking off her spectacles

" Not now . I swear I'll talk to you about it but right now I just don't feel like . " I said

" Fine . Whenever it feels right " she said smiling

I was walking upstairs when she said something

" There's some pancakes . You can eat it " she said

" I'll eat later. Not hungry " I said and walked upstairs and threw myself on bed .

I pushed myself up from the bed and tried to distract myself by watching the outside view.  Its not too damn pretty but it's fine .

I was so lost in my thought watching the garden and remembering the good old times of me playing with brad in that garden . I was pulled out from my thoughts by a sudden knock on the door . I quickly changed my expression when I saw Lidia . I ain't really in a mood to tell her about me and brad , actually anyone .

" Hi lost queen " she said coming in

" Hey . Whatya doin' here ? " I said in an accent to make it funny . Well it worked , I faked a laugh but she laughed clearly .

" Nothing to be honest . I just needed a favour." She said

" Alright what is it ? " I asked sitting next to her on bed cross legged. 

" Well you know about my question and answer videos I do sometimes on my channel ! Well James is not in town for weekend" she said

" So ..? " I asked raising an eyebrow

" Well I want to collaborate with you " she said in excitement and I'm hating to fake to be normal while inside I'm dying and I want to cry on her shoulder .

" No way I'm not doing it " I replied

" Come on you're my best friend , won't you help me " and she makes the puppy face . Best friend ... Hmm .. someone tell me the meaning of best friends , guess I don't know it anymore .

" Nope , come on you know I can't do it " I said

" Please . It's just one video . " She begged

" Fine.. just one video " I replied

" Yayyyyyyy  That's awesome . So I'll see you tomorrow at my place at 10 " she said

" No that's too early " I said even though I know I'll probably be awake all night and day

" Fine 11 in the Morning, not beyond that " she remarks

" Okay " I said

She leaves soon after our talking more about her video  . I wasn't really into doing it with her but when she needs me I'll be there,  you know that's what best friends do , isn't it . It hurts ouch .
I was a little hungry by now , I haven't eaten anything all day and it's already 4 in the evening . Shittt.... It's just that .

I walk downstairs , my mom is cleaning up the mess she made and lastly she picks up her coffee mug and walk towards Kitchen. 

I enter the kitchen and put the pan cakes she made for me in the microwave because duh it went cold .

" Is it that bad ?" She asked

" What is ..?" I asked

" Whatever happened with you ?" She asked and it ripped me . I could feel my heart breaking into billion trillion pieces on the reminder of what happened today morning . It' seems so long .

" I guess " I said on the verge of breaking down and took out my pancakes from the micro and started eating it .

Mom refills her mug if coffee and gives me one .

" Wanna talk now , if it's okay?" She asked

" I don't know " I swallowed my bite .

" You know it's always good to let things out of you heart than to keep it inside and let it drown you " her words broke me . I felt a tear drop in my thumb placed on the kitchen table. 

" Yeah I know " and another year dropped down and another .

My mom walks to me and keeps a hand on my shoulder and I bite my lower lip to stop crying so bad and held her finger's on my shoulder

" I don't know anything anymore mom..." I said crying .


Thanks for reading !! I am going to stay offline wattpad readers till 21 but don't worry I have things planned. 
Love you all for 2.51k .

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