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I reached home after school by myself and texted Brad about my periods and he was sorry to do an argument with me but anyways , here I am sitting in my room editing some pictures I clicked earlier when I was at my grandmother to post it and I heard the doorbell .

I quickly went to open the door knowing that it would be mom but ..

" Hey " and Brad was here

" Hi. Come on in " he followed me to living room

" Here . Chocolates for you " he gave me those chocolate which is the cutest gesture .

" Aww . Thanks a lot I was about to go out to buy some . I love you for this " I said and pecked on his cheeks .

" You're welcome " he said and got up and turned on the television .

" You know what I'm sorry for last morning . " Brad said all of a sudden

" What ? " I replied and he laughed at me

" WHAT ??" I asked annoyingly

" Just look at your face " he laughed and bought me the mirror .

" It's all covered with chocolate " he laughed taking out his phone and clicked my picture .

" I swear I'll kill you if you post it anywhere " I said angrily

" Already done it . Snapchat girl " he laughed and showed his snap .

" Really !!! Then wait for next " I said dreadfully

" Wait what are you gonna do ? " He asked nervously laughing

" something you'll regret doing now " I said

"Okay now you're really scaring me out " he said

" Oh well you should be " I said showing him my story post .

" Okay so that's a revenge !! I see" he said nervously

" Yeah and you know how much views I get over my personal Instagram account " I said making it sound haunting .

" Okay we can fix it " he said

" Well I don't wanna fix it . It's perfectly fine . " I replied

" Look . I will put your story down and you'll put mine down " he suggested

" Noo " I replied bluntly

" look okay I'm sorry for doing it but please put it down . You know how many school people can see it. Okay I'm sorry for doing it but please put it down " he begged .

" Nope " I replied .

" Please " and he makes that Puppy face and I couldn't resist it . But ..

" Not gonna work " I said but I somehow knew I couldn't take it for long .

" Really . Are you serious . Please Luna . " He said making himself look more cute . Urgh I hate myself

" Uh hum . Not gonna work " I said

" Fine then.." he got up and starting tickling me . Fuckkkk ..

" Okay... Okay ...I will put it d.. down " I said between laughs while rolling down the couch

" Good " he said crossing his arms .

"  Fine but you know it's already been 5 minutes " I said .

" Doesn't matter . Put it down and I'm putting yours down " he said .

We both put it down and I started to eat my chocolate annoyed .

" I said I'm sorry and I did put it down " he said .

" I don't care . I still hate you " I said

" But I love you soo much " he said coming to hug me

" DON'T " I said but he hugged me from the side .

He leaves me and looks at me and smiles .

" What ? " I asked

" You look cute like that but also annoying " he said making sort of puppy eyes. 

He comes closer to me .....

So instead of putting some shitty thing on my a/n , I'll ask

God. , Have you even heard " good years " by Zayn . Mannnn I'm in love with it. It's my favourite . If you haven't heard it till now please do it's amazing .

And thank you so much again for 1.8k .

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One more thing, check out my other stories
1. Runaway to love
2. Back to you .

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