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This was getting  really awkward so I finally said it

" I'm sorry about what happened ! "

" What ? " She asked

" I said I'm sorry" I said

" For what? " she asked

" About everything that happened earlier " I replied

" You meant with gray what you did  to gray ?! " She asked

" Yeah " I replied

" so why you telling me this shouldn't you be telling this to gray ! " she said

" yeah I know but you are mad at me so I guess you deserve a bit of an explanation"  I said

" Yeah  that would be nice" she replied

I was afraid to say this but indirectly I said

" I intentionally got into a fight with gray which was really bad and I want you to know the reason the thing is that he said smutish  thing about you and that really was a bad one for me because you know being a best friend of yours my duty is to protect you , prevent from anything bad happening to you "

" I don't believe that" she said while looking at gray

"You can go and ask gray  why didn't you ask him this thing what I am telling is it true, now believe me or not" I said

" Yeah actually I don't want to know you want to tell me but I said no" she replied 

" Whose fault is a you should have known the reason we got into a fight" I said

" You are right but I don't believe gray would say something smutish  about me" she said and that really sucks like why can't she . Can't he say !!!

" Believe it or not he said that " I said

" So what do you expect me to do? " She asked

" I don't expect anything from you I just wanted to make things clear up and I don't want you to be mad at me for like another reason and be over and over again  because you know how much you mean to me and you know I cannot talk to anyone like I am  used to talking to you.  I am sorry about what happened " I said

" But the point is brad things have been going around bad with you what is wrong with you . You have been getting into a lot of fights  and I am not even able to get any single reason why are you doing this I know what you did both fights were for me but I just don't want you to get into this shit that makes me mad over you and you know how much I care about you why do you keep getting into the stupid fights.  " She said

" see that's the reason it's all about you you make me get into these  fights" I said

"Really do I make you fight ?! " She sort of smirked at it

" Yeah you do that" I said laughing

" Why don't you stop if I say ?! " She asked smirking

" I don't know maybe I can" I replied
Wtf did I just say !! Shitsss !!!

" Then I say stop getting into this fights please for god  sake  it hurts me to see you getting hurt " she said in concern . Does she really cares about me .

"Oh really as if Luna stone  really cares about me " I said smirking

"Just like you get into fight because of me it's the same " she smirked

" So what you want? " she asked

" I want things to be normal and you to  forgive me" I said

" OK then it's all good" she replied smiling

" Really? " I asked

" Yeah " she said

Soon a  slow song came on,  me and luna were chatting and chatting and we realise the song came on and then

" Wanna dance ? " I asked

" It's a couple song" she said I'm surprise

" I know" I replied. I don't know why I suggested this idea .

" I think you should be dancing with your date" she suggested

" I think gray and twisha  are  pretty busy  . " and then we saw then making out. 

" Really never thought of that, let's dance " she said getting up. 

We got on the stage and she put your hands around my neck I put my hands around waist and started dancing. For the first time in my entire life I believe she looks so amazingly pretty and beautiful  and then and there at the moment it struck me what Tristan said .
Do I like her? I see how she smiled and  how she dances and how she looks around here and there and be happy but what Tristan said  it can never happen is because I do not like her , we're  just friends and that a normal phenomenon that happens between two best friends I do not like her,  she is just my best friend that I care about a lot and I don't want to lose her in my entire life . I wanted to be with her  till the last day of my life and that's all.


Hey guys. First of sorry for not uploading my chapter for a long time . I was pretty busy with taking care of my granny who recently passed away and I was upset about it and now that I'm fine I'm gonna be uploading chapter now .

Second news is that I'm gonna release my new book of Shawn Mendes pretty soon as soon as I come to a new chapters of this book which will take it to a little end . Well end is not soon .


ig - thevampette_

Are We Just Best Friends ? {B.W.S} ✓Where stories live. Discover now