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" chemistry " I said

" What about it huh ? " He said and came closer to me

" Chemistry and biology I meant " I added

" Oh you know we can work bio here and chemistry would come itself on its way if we together work on bio or you know my .... " Before he could have said anything else I pushed him away

" Eww stay away from me . " I yelled

" I know you like me so why not . You can be something for me " he said and clutched my hand

" Go away . I know I did but now I don't " I said but  he won't leave me .

" Oh now you hate me. I love those girls who hate me. Come on you won't be the first one I'll sleep with " he said and I was in tears . I kicked his part where I knew it'll hurt him the most and it did .

" I don't want to be your fucking whore. If you wanna work out your biology with someone or sleep with someone go to the prostitutes " I yelled in tears and left him there to cry for help .

As I was running gray came running to me.

" What happened ? Are you okay? Please stop crying . " He said and hugged me . I felt calm in his hug . After a few minute or 2 we separated

After that I told him the entire thing that happened with me , how he wanted to sexually abuse me .

" Oh my god that asshole . You did it right by kicking his ass " he said proudly

" Thanks " we both chuckled 

" By the way I'm really sorry for what I did . If I had not texted him and he might not have known about you liking him and  he might not have done that " he said in guilt .

"It's okay. But somehow it helped me to know who he really was or I would have never known what kind of person he was . Thanks to you gray . You are really a nice friend " I said and he smiled

" Thanks " he said smiling

" So are we actually friends huh ? " He said after few minutes

" Oh hell yeah you are my friend now and by lunch I'll make you meet my group . Those people are my life . " I grinned a smile and he laughed

" Sure. " He said .

He was going to enter a class when I interrupted

" Hey come on "

" Where to ? " He asked

" To the office " I replied

" Why ? " He asked again

" You ask a lot of questions . Obviously to complain about clay " I said and went towards the office .

Gray's POV

Me and luna were in the ground when I got to know about her crush and then I texted him but something weird happen later . When I left them to talk about themselves even though when I liked her after a few minutes I heard her yelling and the only word I heard clearly was " prostitute " .I quickly ran back to where they were . When I saw her running towards me I ran to her and asked about what happened . It broke my heart to see her cry like hell.

That bastard tried to assault her . I could have ran to him and beaten him to death but she did partially that to him . When at first she hugged me I felt my heart racing . It was beating fast and it was like today I met and today  I started liking her and today itself all of it happened that made me so close to her .

She is sort of silly but really cute . She is bossy but the best . She is the perfect combination of everything .

Just as I was about to enter my class . She asked me to come to with her , I at first didn't understood where she wanted to take me but then she said she needs to go to the office with me to complain about clay that asshole .

Just as we entered the office , we needed to wait for a while . Then the receptionist called us .

"Hello Luna . How come you're here?" The receptionist asked , her name was probably katy dron .

" Hey Ms. Dron I want to complain about someone for assaulting me " Luna said bravely

" Oh my God . Child are you okay ? " Ms. Dron asked with concern .

" I am Ms. All because of gray " she said and I looked at her as if I really helped her out. 

" Oh . You look new here ? " Ms. Dron asked

" Oh yeah , joined today itself " I said

" Nice work . You stole her heart . I'm impressed " she said and I blushed a little while Luna smiled a little .

"Yeah indeed he did " Luna said

" Oh yeah let's come to the point . Who was the guy who tried to assault you?" Ms. Asked.

" It was clay copper  " I remarked .

" Sure actions will be taken " receptionist assured us and we left .

As we were leaving I asked Luna to leave and I'll join her .

" Hey Ms. Dron " I said to her

" Yeah , gray right " she said

" Yeah , Ms. Dron actually I was not the one who did anything . I did not defended her . It was her who defended herself . You're getting me,  right? , when I reached there she already defended herself . So I don't need anything in return , no reward nor anything,  instead give it to her  ." I said

" Sure " she smiled .

Luna's POV

As we were leaving gray went again inside . I did a little eavesdropping which I think was worth it as he said something which was really nice of him. 

" Hey Ms. Dron " he said

" Yeah , gray right " she said

" Yeah , Ms. Dron actually I was not the one who did anything . i did not defended her , it was her who defended herself . You're gettinh me, right ? , when i reached there she already defended herselh , so , i don't need anything , no reward nor anything , instead give it to her " he said and i smiled , actually blushed a little .

When i heard his footsteps , i pretended to be on  the phone waiting outside but little did he thought that i heard him . 

" shall we go ? " i asked 

" sure " 

Thanks for reading .
Much love 💜.

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